Play for Keeps (The Devil's Share #6)

Play for Keeps (The Devil's Share #6)

L. P. Maxa


“We were together

I forget the rest.”

—Walt Whitman

Chapter One


I was leaning against the wall, staring at a large dressing room full of mirrors. It looked like the Devil’s Share had multiplied by a dozen.

“I’m going to be real honest with you, man.” Smith took a step back and adjusted the jacket of his light tan linen suit. “I was pretty positive that Lexi was going to make us all wear tuxes and bowties, just to be a brat.” I knew everyone had been preparing for bridezilla. But my girl Lexi had actually been the opposite. We’d all assumed she’d want fancy and upscale; instead she’d gone for laid-back beach vibes.

“Me too.” Jacks adjusted the sleeves of his thin white dress shirt. “But I’m really digging this whole perpetually stoned thing your girl has got going right now.” He shrugged. “Well, when it comes to the wedding at least.”

“I slip a Xanax in her coffee every morning. Really helps mellow her out.” I sat on the arm of a chair in the corner and watched my friends try on their groomsman suits while I was answering emails. I was kidding about the Xanax. Though I did cut her coffee with decaf.

Luke came out of the dressing room laughing. “She may be lackadaisical about wedding planning, but she’s still a control freak at the office. She’s sent me three emails already this morning.”

“I thought the chicks were all out this morning. Didn’t they have to go look at flowers or some shit?” Smith stood stock-still while the tailor pinned the inseam to his pants.

I nodded. “Yeah, she pushed that appointment back so she could be at the studio when the proofs came over for the new signage.” Lexi had revamped all the graphics we used for our promos, not to mention the logo for the label. She had an artistic vision, and heaven help anyone who got in her way.

To be honest, lately I had been feeling like she’d put our wedding on the back burner. I hadn’t said anything about it, because really, how could I? I’d sound like a sexist asshole. Hey, Kitten? Can you spend less time at the office and more time looking at centerpieces? Yeah. No. She’d eat me alive.

“When did Lexi become a workaholic?” Jacks slipped on his jacket, adjusting the lapels.

We had all started working together at Harlow’s mom’s record company, and I thought Lexi would be kind of in and out the office. Staying at home with Halen and stopping by the label when she could. But Lexi was thriving at Riffraff Records. Luke and Lo both worked long hours, but Lex was right there with them.

“I think she’s avoiding my dick.”

Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me.

Jacks cocked his head to the side. “What’s that now?”

I shrugged and slid my phone in my pocket. “I want another baby. Lexi asked me to give her two years and we compromised at one. Halen’s first birthday was two months ago and I think Lexi is avoiding my dick and showing me she’s still not ready.”

Avoiding more kids and avoiding our wedding. I was trying really hard not to get freaked out by her lack of enthusiasm.

Luke took off his suit jacket and handed it to the second tailor. Rock stars got their own tailors, don’t ya know? “Good God, man. At least wait until after your wedding. Do you know how pissed Lexi would be if she couldn’t drink at the reception?”

“Or the rehearsal dinner?” Jacks pointed at Luke.

Smith nodded in agreement. “Or the wedding day girls’ brunch?”

Luke gestured around the room. “What’s with you guys and babies? We’re young, we’ve got time. Why are you all trying to pop them out like Roman candles?”

Jacks held his hand up. “Uh, technically I had mine first. And there are no current preparations being made for a second.” He pointed at Smith. “It’s a miracle this one even wants kids after the childhood he had, so let’s not knock him for it.” Then Jacks gestured with his head toward me. “That one is certifiable, I agree with you there. Two kids under the age of two? You’d have to be insane.” He snorted. “I’d avoid your dick too, man.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to force her to have another baby.”

“Well, good. I’m pretty sure that’s against the law, bro.”

I ignored Luke and kept on talking. “I just don’t want her to throw herself into work to try to prove a point that’s unnecessary, that’s all.” I wanted a big family and I thought that was what she wanted too. We’d talked about it after Halen was born. But lately I wasn’t so sure where her mind was.

But again, I said nothing because how could I? Hey, Kitten? Can I please keep you pregnant for the next eight years? She’d probably try to chop my dick off.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and smiled. “Speak of the devil.” I turned away from my bandmates to answer Lexi’s call. “Hey, Kitten.”

“Hey. How’s the fitting going? They like their suits?”

I could hear her mouse clicking away; she must have put me on speaker while she was no doubt editing photos. “Yeah everyone really likes what you picked out. They were all shocked you didn’t have them in coats and tails.”

L. P. Maxa's Books