Those Three Words: A Single Dad, Billionaire Boss Romance(14)

She nods and walks away without another word, leaving Eleanor and me in a fit of giggles.

After her bath, I help Eleanor dress for bed and brush her teeth. She shows me her favorite stuffed animals and explains how she got each one, what their name is, and on what days of the week she sleeps with each one. I can remember doing this same thing, insisting that no stuffed animal be left behind because I didn’t want to hurt their feelings if I didn’t sleep with one of them.

I tuck her into bed and read her the book she picked out.

“Is Daddy mad at you?” she asks as I place the book back onto the shelf.

“I don’t think so.” I furrow my brows, confused as to what she’s referring to.

“Cuz we were loud on the piano,” she says and I walk back over to her bed.

“Oh no, sweetheart. I’m sure he wasn’t mad at all. Miss Perry just didn’t like the noise is all.” I brush her hair out of her eyes.

“When Daddy is mad at me, he kisses me on the forehead to tell me sorry.”

“That’s very sweet of him. That’s what mommies and daddies do.”

“Do they kiss each other when they’re mad?”

I nod, a little worried with the territory these questions are heading into. “Mm-hmm, mommies and daddies kiss each other to say sorry too. Does your daddy come tell you good night?” I ask quickly, hoping to change the subject.

“No.” She shakes her head and squeezes her stuffed doll, her eyes getting heavy.

“Good night, Eleanor.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. “I’m just down the hall if you need anything, okay?”

She nods her head and closes her eyes. I stand and exit the room, closing the door softly behind me.

The fact that Mr. Hayes doesn’t say good night to his daughter bothers me. I can tell there’s distance there, like he’s avoiding her for some reason.

It’s not my business but maybe if I pop into his office and tell him that Eleanor is down for the night, it will prompt him to go upstairs and tell her good night. At least I can plant the seed and hope that eventually he’ll take the hint.

I make my way back downstairs and turn the corner to walk down the long hallway to where Miss Perry mentioned his office was located.

I take a few steps and then stop, looking into a giant mirror hanging on the wall. I pat down a few flyaway hairs and give my cheeks a little pinch to bring some life into my otherwise pale face. My makeup is simple, as usual. Just some tinted moisturizer, bronzer on my cheekbones and eyelids that never seems to actually bronze my face, mascara, and well-worn-off gloss.

I pull the loose ponytail out of my hair and bend over to fluff my hair a little. When I lift my head back up, my strawberry-blond curls are fluffed up, giving me a bit more of a mature look rather than the freckle-faced teenager most people assume I am.

My stomach fizzles a little at the thought that I’m suddenly very aware of my appearance when I know I’m going to be in Mr. Hayes’ presence.

We all care what we look like. It’s totally normal, I think, trying to convince myself that’s all it is and not the beginnings of a crush. Because that would be a big mistake.

I continue walking down the hallway. Suddenly I can hear muffled voices and I realize that this must be his office. I’m about to raise my hand to knock when I hear my name hissed by who I know is Miss Perry.

I know I shouldn’t, but I lean my head a little closer to the door, my ear almost pressed against it.

“Miss Silver doesn’t like taking direction, sir. I told her not to be banging on the piano at this time of night and she took Eleanor and their sticky ice cream fingers and did it anyway!”

I don’t hear a response from him, so I lean a little closer and hold my breath.

“Sir, did you hear me?”

“Yes, Miss Perry. I heard you and I don’t care if Miss Silver and Eleanor play the piano. I want her to learn music.”

Relief washes over me when I hear his response.

“But, sir, that was Meredith’s piano.”

My breath catches in my throat. I had no idea about that fact.

“She just picked it out. She never touched it, didn’t even know how to play,” he responds, sounding very uninterested in her argument.

I hear a change of tone in Miss Perry’s voice, going from shrill to syrupy sweet.

“I’m sorry, sir. Did I do something wrong? I feel like you’re incredibly tense and I will absolutely make sure that the right person is hired for the nanny position this week.”

“Margot is perfectly adequate, Miss Perry. I don’t know why you took so long in the first place to hire someone.”

“Margot?” I hear the surprise in her voice, and I can only assume it’s because he called me by my first name, something he hasn’t done in front of me.

“Yes, Miss Silver.” I can hear the agitation growing in his voice. “Now if you please, Miss Perry. I have some work I need to finish up before my work trip next week.”

“But Mr. Ha—”

“Enough!” I hear him bark and it causes me to jump back. “Miss Silver is the new nanny. She is more than adequate and until she proves otherwise, I don’t want to hear another word about it.”

I can hear my heart thumping in my chest. I turn and sprint down the hall back toward the parlor before Miss Perry can open the door. I hear her heels clicking at a rapid pace. I peek my head around the door and see her stomping up the stairs, hands balled into fists.

Alexis Winter's Books