The Demon's Bargain (A Deal With a Demon #4)(2)

“Demon.” I study them right back. Gods, they cut a fine figure. Broad shoulders. Long black claws that match their horns. Deep crimson skin and teeth that are little too sharp. They’re wearing loose, flowing black pants and a fitted black shirt. It’s not quite a Catholic priest’s getup, but it’s close enough. “You look like something out of a naughty nun’s wet dream. Did you dress up just for me?”

They laugh, a deep, booming sound. “A summoning is rare. I like to look the part.”

“The part of a demonic priest?”

“Not quite.” They touch their collar. It’s round and fitted, but there isn’t a bit of white in sight. “You’re not terrified at all. That’s a relief. Dealing with the sobbing and hysterics is exhausting.”

I might be desperate, but I’m not that desperate. I glare. “You’re the one in my circle. Maybe you should be terrified of me.”

If anything, their smile broadens, flashing those too-sharp teeth. “All right, little witch. I’ll play. Show me your claws.”

I tighten my grip on the dagger. A laughable impulse. Their claws might not be as long as my blade, but the demon has a longer reach than I do. They could rip me to shreds before mustered the proper words for a spell to send them back to the demon realm.

Or they’d be able to if they weren’t trapped in the circle.

I purposefully turn my back to them and walk to the table where I arranged all the things I need for this spell. The bandages are ready and waiting for me, so I quickly wrap up the cut on my arm. Without the magic pulling blood from me, it’s already started to clot.

Once that’s done, I face the demon and lean against the table. Their smile is still firmly in place, and I get the feeling that I’ve amused them. Lovely. It’s going to be quite the challenge to come out of this on top, but I’ll do my damnedest. “I have no interest in showing you my claws, Ramanu.” Their name shivers across my tongue. Best not examine that too closely. “That’s not why I called you here.”

“Pity.” They slide their hands into their pockets. “Very well. Let’s hear your opening offer.”

It’s tempting to continue circling, but we both know I called them here for a reason. Time is of the essence. “There’s a witch who took something from me.”

“You want it back.”

“Yes.” I nod slowly. “But, equally important, I want him dead.”

They don’t have brows to raise, but I get the impression all the same. “Bloodthirsty.”

“Practical. It’s become a contest of who’s better. If I get it back, he’ll take it personally, and I’m not interested in looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.” A believable enough story, but the truth is more complicated. If Kristoff realizes the amulet has enough power to boost the magic of an entire bloodline, he’ll never stop trying to get it back.

“I see.” They cock their head to the side. “Very well. I’ll kill this witch for you—”



It would be simpler—smarter—to allow Ramanu to take care of the problem. Kristoff might be a force to be reckoned with, and I’m nearly certain one of his parents is paranormal rather than human, but he’s no match for a demon.

But… “That motherfucker stole from me. I want to be the one to end him, and I want to see the light dying in his eyes when he realizes it’s me who’s responsible.”

“Seven years.”

I blink. “Excuse me?”

“I will happily do as you ask, but it will require seven years in payment.” They hold their finger up when I start to argue. “Those are standard terms, which I’m sure you’re aware of if you had enough information to summon me in the first place.”

They were standard terms according to the grimoire. I cross my arms over my chest. “I was under the impression that the bargainer demons have new management.” Great-Grandmother had a note in the margins about that and her hopes that it would affect how bargains were made. She died before she was able to summon Ramanu a fourth time to test it out. “Why are the deals the same?”

Ramanu laughs softly and paces the circle. “They aren’t the same, little witch. Azazel’s values are not… Well, best not to say her name. The humans who take contracts with us are significantly better treated than they were previously.”

So they say. “Forgive me if I’m not comforted. Seven years is too long. I’ll give you one.” A year away from my life is almost too much to bear, but it’s worth it to accomplish this. I don’t have another choice.

They snort. “We are bargainer demons. Not hagglers. Seven years is the cost. Take it or leave it.” Ramanu tilts their head to the side as if hearing something I can’t. “There are plenty of humans who will play with me. Stop wasting both our time.”

Frustration wells up inside me, weeks’ worth of fear and desperation morphing to fury in a single instant. “Impossible to make those deals when you’re trapped in my circle.”

They laugh.

It’s the only warning I get before they flick the air over the top of the drawn circle with a single finger. It shatters. There’s no sound that ears can hear, but the backlash hits me hard enough to knock me back a few steps. A blink and they’re in front of me, bracketing me in with their big arms and leaning close. “Who’s trapped now, little witch?”

Katee Robert's Books