Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers) (Volume 1)(10)

I unlocked the security door, stepping outside into the cool morning air, which was the best time of day for me – not as many people around. “Morning.” I grinned at Liam.

“Well, you look awake,” he returned my grin. “And no you are not drinking coffee in my car.” Liam glanced at me then my bag. “Is that all you’re taking?” he asked, removing my bag from my hands and carrying it to his car.

“Yeah. I travel light.”

He threw my bag into the trunk before opening my door. Ever the gentleman. I was about to climb into his car, when he took hold of my arm and just stared at me, while I looked back at him.

“Thalia... about last night.”

With my right hand, I reached up and covered his mouth with my fingers. “We’ve already decided to leave it alone for now and to see what happens. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, but I think.” He frowned. “Never mind. Come on, let’s get going.”

Climbing into the car I wondered why he wouldn’t let the kiss drop. Liam climbed behind the wheel, started the car and pulled out into the early morning traffic.

All I wanted was to go back to sleep, but didn’t think that would be fair to Liam, although when I offered to share the driving with him, he’d nearly had a coronary at the thought of someone else driving his precious Mercedes.

I chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive some of the way?”

Liam quickly looked at me then started laughing. “Nice one – so not happening.”

“Okay, I can’t travel in silence. So, what’s your brother like? Is he all prim and proper? I mean studying to be a lawyer and all.”


“Is that all you’re going to say? It’s going to be an awfully long drive if it is,” I said, knowing he would probably hold out maybe ten seconds. He was so predictable.

“Only when the parents are around... and Mia.”

Yes. “Don’t stop now. What do you mean only when your parents and Mia are around?”

He sighed and didn’t look too happy. “Liam, please tell me what’s going on? I’m spending the summer at your house. Don’t I need to know?”

“Sometimes, I catch the brother that I grew up with trying to come out, but he stays locked inside as though he’s frightened about what would happen to his well ordered life if he did. As kids I used to call him Phoenix. He once told me, that one day he would crash and burn, and when he did, he wanted to be reborn, like the mythical bird, the Phoenix. You need to see for yourself. I feel sorry for him,” he sighed, “and angry with him for trying to be perfect. But mostly, I feel relieved that it’s not me who’s expected to be like that.”

That was sad. I’d never met him, hell, I didn’t know until yesterday that Liam had a brother, but I couldn’t help feel sorry for him too.

“Thalia, why don’t you get some sleep?”

Grinning, I turned to look at him, “Is that your way of telling me to shut up and to stop asking to share the driving?”

“No,” he replied, with the corners of his mouth twitching.

“Yeah right,” I smirked, “but I’m going to take you up on the offer, as long as you wake me up before we get there.”

“I will.”

I reclined the seat slightly, shutting my eyes to dream about my cowboy – tall, muscular, dark hair and he had to have a tattoo, hidden under his clothes for my eyes only. Mmm....

Chapter 8



I’d had every intention of being gone from home before my mother was up and about, but thanks to the jamming session after our stint at Kix last night, I’d overslept.

I was still feeling exhausted, but wanted to try and plan a way to stabilize the rickety bridge that hung over the river running through our property. One of these days, the thing would collapse and someone could get hurt. The bridge was over the deepest and most dangerous section of river with the rapids running rampant so anyone falling from the bridge would be f*cked big time.

After a shower to try and wake myself up, I dressed in worn jeans and t-shirt then quickly dragged my boots on before going in search of coffee and something to eat.

Opening the bedroom door I came face to face with Mom. Great.

“Well it’s about time you showed your face. What did I tell you yesterday about wearing boots in the house? Your brother will be home sometime today with his girl, I don’t want you showing me up by trampling mud everywhere.”

My jaw clenched, I stepped from my room. “It’s Liam mom. His girl can hardly expect working men not to wear boots.”

“Put your boots on at the door and make sure you take them off before you come in. It’s not brain surgery to remember all that,” she huffed out, walking to the room next to mine.

“I need coffee.” I slammed the door shut behind me and made a point to stomp downstairs to the kitchen. Yes, I was being childish, but she pissed me off. The thing was, more often than not, I would take my boots off at the backdoor and carry them up to my room, where I’d wash them in the sink in the bathroom and leave them on the boot stand, which I’d put in the bath to dry. No mess through the house – shit!

Lexi Buchanan's Books