Love At First Glance (Love at Firsts #1)(5)

“Still room for some ice cream?” He chuckles as he sees me rub my food baby belly.

“Only if it’s Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.” I grin. It’s our favorite so I know he has a stash in his freezer.

“You know it’s the only one I have.” He chuckles and disappears in the kitchen, taking the empty containers and dirty plates with him.

He comes back a few minutes later with a big tub of ice cream, spoons and a bowl of Bernard’s dry food with said feline following behind him.

“He was crying in the kitchen so I brought him with me.” He grins, clearly proud of himself, and hands me the ice cream before setting Bernard’s bowl down by the couch.

“You’re going to make someone really happy someday.” I beam at him.

“As long as I make you happy that’s all that matters.” He replies, returning my smile.

“You are, but you know what I mean.”

“I know. Thank you for always being here for me.” He kisses my head smiling.

“Don’t mention it, you're always there for me too.”

“You’re all I have, even my family didn’t accept me.” He sighs.

“I know, neither did mine and they still won’t talk to me unless I stop seeing you.” I frown, disgusted by my own family and their prejudices.

“I still can’t believe they would do that and I don’t understand them or why you picked me over them,” he says sadly as he digs into the ice cream.

“It’s simple. You never put me down, bullied me or criticized me and never make me feel like shit or like I’m not a good person. They did. When they made me choose between you and them, the choice was easy and I’ve never regretted it. I still can’t believe how they treated you just because you’re bisexual.”

“I know. I thought my parents were more open minded than that. They had never criticized anyone for their sexuality before. Hell, they had even approved of my cousin coming out to the entire family and yet they disowned me. At least I’ve got you.” He sighs and then smiles before kissing my head.

“You'll always have me, you know that. The day you'll get rid of me will be the day the world ends, so you're pretty much stuck with me by your side 'til the end of times,” I tell him seriously but with a hint of humor as I cuddle into him. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

“I love you, Have.”

“I love you too, Spence.”

We fall into a comfortable silence and watch another horror movie. A classic and one of my personal favorites, Scream.

By the time the movie ends, I’m exhausted and more than ready for bed. It’s not that late, but after the day I’ve had, I could sleep for a year.

“Come on, time for bed,” Spencer says, turning off the TV and getting to his feet.

“First smart thing you’ve said all day.” I grin sleepily and get up, bending down to pick up a sleeping Bernard.

“Watch it.” He chuckles and picks up the very empty tub of ice creams and Bernard’s bowl.

“Pfft, you’d never hurt me so I don’t care about your idle threats.” I smirk at him and laugh when he looks at me with a desperate look on his face.

“I’ve spoiled you too much. You don’t have any respect for me.” He shakes his head.

“That’s not true. I respect you. I just luuuurve messing with you.” I kiss his cheek before heading upstairs.

“Good to know.” He smiles and when we reach the top of the stairs, he pulls me in for a hug. “Sleep tight, Princess.”

“You too.” I smile hugging him back and walk into the guest room, aka my room. Whenever one of his buddies sleep over, he makes them sleep on the couch, even when I’m not there.

I set Bernard on the bed and go to the bathroom to start my night time routine. I should probably take a shower but I can’t be bothered, it’ll just have to wait till the morning. I need bed more than I need to be clean.

I smile and jump on the bed like I used to do when I was younger and giggle at myself. This bed is literally the comfiest one ever. Spencer has always refused to tell me where he got it, no doubt as a ploy to get me to move back in with him, but that would never happen. I love him, but when I lived with him before moving in with Adam it was nightmare for me. I’d rather be stuck in a zombie apocalypse than live, eat and breathe fitness.

I shuffle under the covers and set my alarm for the morning. Hoping tomorrow will turn out better than today, I turn over and snuggle down under the covers.

At least Monday is over…

See, I told you Mondays suck big hairy balls!

My self-esteem and confidence were already low, but after what happened today? They have gotten even worse.

My day was f*cked up to say the least, but in the end, I have my cat and my best friend and that is all I need. My life might not be perfect at the moment but I’ll be okay.

I’ve wanted to change how my life is and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Time to say goodbye to Mr. Winston’s boring assistant and the girlfriend to a cheating * and say hello to new carefree Haven Lee.

I’ll be okay…

Things will get better…

I’ll learn to love Mondays…


Muriel Garcia's Books