FADING (A novel)(11)

“Hey, Jase,” Kimber says with a mouth full of chips.

Jase looks at Mark then back at Kimber. “And this crazy girl is Kimber.”

“Nice you meet you guys,” Mark says with a grin.

Mark is good looking with an athletic build similar to Jase’s. He has dark brown hair and striking green eyes.

“Will one of you start the grill?” Kimber asks the guys.

“Yeah, I can do that,” Mark says, and Kimber leads him out back.

Jase and I grab the food and head out behind them. We are lucky to have a large backyard with a nice patio that is covered with a pretty white pergola. We have a table that seats six and off to the side, several chairs that circle around a fire pit. There is a small bar area with a built in grill that we only used when there were guys over to start it up.

Most students our age live in smaller houses or apartments, but Kimber’s parents own this house. They bought it when they were having the house built that they live in now.

“This is a nice place you have,” Mark says.

Kimber flops down in a chair. “I suppose,” she says with a sigh.

I roll my eyes at her and look at Mark, “Please, just ignore her dramatics.”

Kimber looks at me and laughs.

“Hey Jase, will you run inside and grab the case of beer that’s in the fridge and bring it out? There’s a cooler next to the door that already has ice in it,” I say.

“Sure,” he says and he walks inside the house.

I walk over to Mark who is standing next to the grill and hand him the plate of burgers. “So, Mark, are you in college too?” I ask He grabs the plate from me and starts placing each patty on the grill. “Yeah, I’ll be graduating after this year.” He closes the lid and we both sit down as Jase walks over and hands us all beers.

“Same here,” I say. “What are you studying?”

Mark takes a swig of his beer, “Same as Jase: Architecture.” Looking over at Jase, he adds, “That’s how we know each other.”

We continue getting to know Mark and having good conversation. I really like him and we corner off for the majority of the night, talking and laughing, while Kimber and Jase drink and talk about who knows what. It’s nice to have a relaxing evening with friends.

After cleaning up, it was starting to get late, and we decide to call it a night. I have an early class in the morning, so I need to hit the sack.

“It was so good to meet you, Mark,” I say as I walk him to the front door.

“Same here,” he responds.

I lean over and give him a hug, “You’re welcome anytime, and you don’t need Jase with you to stop by.”

“Thanks,” he says.

Kimber and I say our good-byes to the boys and they head out. Walking to their car, Mark holds Jase’s hand and leans in to kiss him on the neck. When I close the door, I look at Kimber. “I love seeing Jase like that,” I say.

“Like what?” she asks.

“Happy and comfortable,” I say as I lean against the door.

Smiling at me, Kimber says, “Me too. He told me about his trip home.”

“Sucks, huh?” I say as I push myself off the door and start walking towards the back of the house to our rooms.

“Yeah,” she says and she follows me. “I love you, Candace.”

I turn to her, surprised by the affection behind her words.

“I know I tease you a lot, but I just wanted to say it so you know,” she says.

“I love you too, Kim,” I say as I wrap my arms around her tightly. Kim and Jase are like family to me. They both love me and support me the way family should.

We pull apart and head to our separate rooms.

“Good night,” I say.

“Night, hooker.”

I shake my head and laugh as I close the door behind me.

Chapter Five


So far my classes have been uneventful. It’s the first week, so I don’t expect much until at least next week. I just left my Methodologies class and I’m on my way to the studio for my Ballet Technique class. When I walk through the double doors, I am greeted by a few of the girls.

The dance program here at the University of Washington isn’t huge. You’re in classes with the same people every quarter. I’ve been with these girls for three years, and even though we all see each other every day, I don’t hang out with any of them outside of classes and studio. Everyone is pretty competitive, so I prefer to keep it strictly professional and not mingle outside of school.

This year will be exceptionally competitive because of our senior capstone, which is a self-choreographed solo. Only two solos will be selected to perform during the final production at the end of the year. It’s an important performance for graduating seniors because there will be lots of agencies in attendance. Getting a solo can mean having a job after graduation.

Everyone is scattered around the studio, taping up their toes, banging new pointes on the floor to break in the box, stretching, and a few are even quietly chatting. I keep to myself and start taping my toes. The past three years that I’ve spent here have been good. I tend to get lead placements in dances, standout solos, and duets with the male dancers. We combine with the guys on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an extra hour on top of our normal two-hour class.

e.k. blair's Books