Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(8)

"Where did you get this?" he demanded.

"From a palace page. He overslept and had to sprint for the windport. As we are friends, he asked me to deliver his messages for him."

Kalare shook his head. "You believe it genuine?"

"Yes, my lord."

The fingers of his right hand began a flickering, twitching, trembling motion, drumming quietly on the desk. "I would never have thought Gaius would make peace with Aquitaine. He hates the man."

Rook murmured, "Gaius needs him. For now. Necessity can trump even hatred."

Her heart fluttered as that last phrase left her mouth tinged with a featherlight portion of bitter irony. Kalare did not notice. His fingers twitched even faster. "Another year to prepare, and I could have crushed him in a single season."

"He may well be aware of the fact, my lord. He seeks to goad you into premature action."

Kalare frowned down at his fingers, and they slowly stilled. Then he folded the message, over and over again, eyes narrowed. Then his lips parted, baring his teeth in a predatory smile. "Indeed. I am the bear he baits. Gaius is arrogant and always has been. He is certain that he knows everything."

Rook nodded, adding nothing.

"He is about to learn that this bear is a great deal larger and more dangerous than he believed." He stood up, jerked on a summoning bell's cord, then beckoned and caused his furies to open a nearby chest and to toss a dozen rolled maps onto its surface. "Pass the word to my captains that the time has come. We mobilize and march within the week. Tell your people to put pressure upon the Cursors again."

Rook bowed. "Aye, my lord."

"And you..." Kalare smiled. "I have a special assignment for you. I had thought to attend to it personally, but it would seem that I must take my vengeance by proxy."

"The Steadholder?" Rook asked quietly.

"The bitch from Calderon," Kalare corrected her, a dangerous edge in his voice.

"Yes, my lord. It will be done." She bit her lips. "My lord... if I may?"

Kalare gestured at a door on the other side of the study, a solar for reading and entertaining intimate guests. Rook crossed the room and opened the door upon a spacious chamber with thick carpeting, richly furnished.

A small girl with glossy black hair sat on the floor with a young maid, playing with dollies. When the door opened, the child's caretaker glanced up, rose, bowed to Rook, and retreated without another word.

"Mama!" shrieked the child in glee. She rose and rushed over to Rook, who caught her daughter up into a tight hug. "I missed you, Mama."

Rook squeezed tighter, and awful, bitter tears escaped despite her determination not to weep. "I missed you, too, Masha."

"Is it time, Mama?" her daughter asked. "Do we get to go to the country and have ponies now?"

"Not yet. But soon now, little one," she whispered. "Soon, I promise."

The little girl looked up at her with enormous eyes. "But I miss you."

She hugged the child close to escape the pain in her eyes. "I miss you, too. I miss you so much." Rook sensed Kalare's presence behind her, in the doorway to the solar. She turned and faced him without looking at his eyes. "I'm sorry, little one. I can't this time. I have to go now."

"B-but you just got here!" Masha wailed. "What if I need you and I can't find you?"

"Don't worry," Kalare told Rook in a smooth, gentle voice incongruous to the hard glitter in his eyes. "I'll make sure my faithful retainer's daughter is safe. You have my promise on that. I value your loyalty very highly."

Jim Butcher's Books