An Heir for the Billionaire Werebears(8)

He pulled out of me, and he set me on my feet.

He sat down on a ledge. "My legs feel like jelly right now."

"Mine do, too." I straddled him and kissed him on his mouth. His hand came up to grope my breast.

"You're really perfect." He kissed my nose. "I can't think of a better mother for my child."

"I'm so glad that you're going to be a father." I kissed him lightly on his cheek, caressing the other one gently with my hand.

"How would you feel about a nap, hmm? I normally don't take them, but today might be an exception."

"Sounds great to me."

We soaped up and used the shower to rinse off. Instead of it being a sensual dance, it was more utilitarian now. He wrapped me up in a towel, and he dried off and then hung it up. Even when he wasn't erect, his dick was impressive.

He saw me looking. "I need to take a rest for now. But I'll give you some later. That's a promise."

He laughed when red touched my cheeks. "Come on."

He picked me up.

"You guys are always picking me up. I have feet, you know."

"I know." He kissed me. "But it's more fun like this. I love feeling your curvy body in my arms. I wish I could keep every luscious inch of you on my skin 24/7." He put me on the bed and climbed in after me. He settled behind me, throwing a heavy paw around my waist. I felt safe and secure as his whole body was wrapped around me. I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I saw a credit card on my nightstand with a note. It said:

Hello, darling. I forgot to give you this earlier. We got distracted.

I grinned, thinking of the superb distraction.

Here's your credit card. We'll take care of your living expenses while you're with us. Go shopping this afternoon. Buy something sexy. We'll see you tonight. Come home after 5. Asher

I frowned. Why didn't they want me in the house until after 5? I shrugged. I might as well go shopping. I was sure that my clothes were traumatized by being thrown on the street like that, and I knew that some retail therapy would perk me right up.

* * *

At 6 PM, I parked my car in the driveway and walked into the house. The house was full of people, very tall people, just like Asher and Xavier. I stopped in the kitchen, unsure if I should run for it.

"Hey, honey," Asher said. "There are some people I'd like you to meet."

"Jayce, Alex, Caleb," he pointed to all of them in turn. "They are part of our sleuth."

"Sleuth?" My brow furrowed. "Like a detective? Like Monk?"

All four of them laughed. "No. A sleuth is the name for a group of bears."

I blinked. "Oh! That makes sense." I nodded to them. "It's nice to meet you."

The one closest to me sniffed. His face got inappropriately close to mine, and I heard Asher let out a growl. He ignored Asher and smelled me, practically putting his nose on my hair.

"You're pregnant."

Asher was still. “Are you sure?”

Jayce gave me a glare. I took a step back under the weight of his hatred. But it disappeared so quickly that I thought that I could have imagined it.

"Congratulations," he said, turning to Asher. "You and Xavier are going to be daddies."

"Thanks, man," Asher said stiffly. He put an arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "I'm excited," he whispered in my ear. "Wait until they leave."

Alex and Caleb started coughing in a way that sounded suspiciously like laughing.

"We better go," Alex said. "Nice to meet you." He nodded at me, and I got the impression that he tipped his hat at me, although he didn't move his hand at all and wasn't wearing a hat. Caleb gave me a smile and a wave.

Jayce was the last to leave, his eyes bouncing around the kitchen.

"See you soon."

Asher picked me up. He kissed my cleavage. "I can't wait to see my son feed at your perfect tits."

"My body will be ruined by a baby."

A blaze of anger flashed on Asher's face. "Don't ever say that. Pregnant women are the most beautiful girls in the world." He smelled my hair. "He's right. You are pregnant. Funny how it took Jayce to notice."

"I don't think he likes me."

Asher shrugged, his arms bringing me up about a half inch more. "He is the one with the most to lose if we don't have a cub. He already has a mate, Melanie. She stays at home, taking care of their cub, Seth. If we didn't have a baby in the next two years..."

"He would take over your sleuth," I completed, gathering the pieces of the puzzle.

"He'll get over it," Asher said. "This sleuth has always been ours. Yeah, our dad was the head of the sleuth, but you get here by being the strongest fighters. Xavier and I have done a good job of leading our sleuth so far. This will just cement our leadership." He kissed my temple. "But enough about me. Right now, it's all about you."

"Where's Xavier?"

Asher smiled and walked up the stairs. "He's out taking care of something. Right now, I have you all to myself."

We were in his bedroom now. It was gray with accents of brown. I leaned up and kissed him. He sat on the bed, with me across his body. He took off my clothes reverently, as if I were made of glass. He kissed every bit of me that he revealed.

Alyse Zaftig's Books