The Pairing (The Proposition #3)(9)

“Ankle really wants to fix us up?” Megan questioned.

Emma nodded. “Regardless of what happened with Pesh when we were broken up, Aidan does respect and admire him. He wants Pesh to be happy.” She gave Megan a pointed look. “Most of all, he wants that for you, too.”

Megan wrinkled her nose. “But I’m really not ready for all of that yet.”

“Then think long and hard before you agree to do anything about Pesh. He is unknowingly very persuasive, and in the moment, you might forget your resolve only to have it come back later to hurt you…or him.”

Megan held up her hands in defeat. “Okay, okay, I promise.”

Emma smiled. “Nothing would make me happier than if you were to fall in love with Pesh.”

With a laugh, Megan said, “Did you just hear anything that I said? I’m anti-love.”

“So was Aidan.”

Just as Megan opened her mouth to protest, Aidan waltzed into the room. “Everything okay?”

“Fine. Just finished feeding and dressing him,” Emma replied

“Good. The natives are getting restless to see the little man of the hour before the baptism.” He strode over to them and took his son into his arms. “You ready to go work the crowd, Noah?” Noah’s response was to grunt and reach for Aidan’s tie. With a laugh, Aidan announced, “I’ll take that as a yes.” He then leaned in to kiss Emma’s cheek. “Ready Mrs. Fitzgerald?”

She smiled before linking her arm through his. “Yes, Mr. Fitzgerald, I am.”

Megan and Casey followed them out the door and down the hallway. They entered a noisy room crammed with family and friends. She left Aidan and Emma’s side to seek out her parents to check on Mason. She found her parents, but their arms were empty. In a panic, she demanded, “Where’s Mason?”

Her father smiled and pointed over to where a pile of her younger cousins were. Mason was on the lap of her Aunt Becky’s oldest son, John. Mason was mesmerized with what whatever John was doing on his phone. Megan smiled as she walked up to them. “Everything okay?”

Without taking his eyes off the screen, John replied, “We’re fine.”

“Are you sure he’s not bothering you?” What she wasn’t asking was if John was actually keeping an eye on Mason between playing on his phone.

John glanced up. “Considering I have two younger brothers, I think I can handle him. Besides, he’s really into this game.”

“Okay then,” Megan replied.

She spoke to John’s brothers, Percy and Georgie, before making her way around the room. All her relatives were interested to hear how her schooling was going and how Mason was. She had just turned away from talking to her great aunt and uncle when someone pressed up against her back.

“Don’t look now, but there’s Dr. McDreamy Bollywood now,” Casey whispered into her ear. Without hesitation, her eyes scanned the crowd. And then she saw him. Ankle was taking him around and making introductions.

Pesh was impossibly tall and wearing a tailor-made black suit. Even beneath the lines of the clothing, she could make out his large biceps and thick thighs. He obviously spent his downtime between hospital shifts working out. His wavy, jet-black hair was cut short, and his dark eyes took in all that Ankle was saying.

And while she may have been in a church about to stand up as a godmother, she couldn’t help the ni**les tightening and panties moistening reaction of seeing him. He was all the way across the room, but he had the same effect as if he were standing by her side, rubbing against her.

“See what I mean?” Casey questioned.

Megan licked her lips. “Oh my,” she finally managed.

“Sure you don’t want to give him a chance?”

Fighting the urge to fan herself, Megan quickly replied, “I’d like to give him many, many chances.” Chances at ripping off my clothes, chances at kissing and licking me all over my body, chances at allowing his hands, fingers, and the promising bulge in his pants to stroke me until I orgasm…yep, many, many chances.

As if she could read Megan’s mind, Casey laughed. “Oh girl, this has trouble written all over it.”

Chapter Three

Pesh paced nervously around the back of the cathedral. The fact he was in a Catholic church wasn’t the only reason he felt out of his element. As he eyed the massive statue of Jesus, he fidgeted absently with his tie. Although Emma had sworn Aidan was fine with the idea of him as godfather, he was still a little apprehensive about seeing Aidan again. The last time they’d been together, Pesh was the hero flying Aidan from North Carolina to Atlanta just in time for Noah’s unexpected birth. But that was six months ago. The euphoria of the moment now had time to fade, and to Aidan, Pesh could still be the man who almost stole Emma away.

A side door opened, and Aidan stepped out. He immediately met Pesh’s anxious gaze. When his lips curved into a wide smile, Pesh exhaled the nervous breath he’d been holding. “Well, there you are,” Aidan said, as he strode up. He bypassed throwing out his hand, and instead, he pulled Pesh to him for a bear hug. “Emma was worried about you.”

“She was?”

“Yeah, she asked me to come out and see if I could find you.”

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure where to go, and no one was out here.”

Katie Ashley's Books