No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(5)

“By all means. Just make sure you go somewhere else and not in our room.”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to get us a suite with two rooms. That way we don’t bother each other.”

“As long as they have noise deadening walls, I’m good to go.”

“So you’re a screamer then?”

“What? I was talking about—” I shook my head. “Never mind.”

His laugh made my teeth clench. “Looks like I made someone blush. I think it’s kind of sexy.”

I huffed. “All you’ve done is made my trigger finger twitchy. Keep it up and I’ll be working this case alone.”

The driver dropped us off at Caesar’s Palace and before checking out the casino, Jason reserved us the penthouse suite. It was huge with two bedrooms, the epitome of luxury and elegance.

“You must’ve earned some serious money while you’ve been out here.”

He chuckled. “You have no idea. Pick which room you want and I’ll take the other. I made sure they were on opposite ends so you couldn’t hear the screams of pleasure about to ensue. Wouldn’t want you to get jealous.”

“Jackass,” I mumbled under my breath. “Doesn’t matter much to me.”

“And then once you’re settled we’ll have to work out a system.”

“For what?”

“Like hanging a sock on the door knob when you’re horny and looking for a little of this.” He gestured down his body.

“Oh, good grief. That will never happen. Ever.”

“Just remember . . . if you ask me to, I’m willing.” He turned and walked away, shaking his butt before disappearing into the second bedroom.

As good looking as Jason was, I would never look at him that way. When working on a mission, it wasn’t a good idea to get physically involved with a partner. That led to certain emotions and those types of feelings weren’t good in life or death situations.

I walked into the first bedroom and set my bag down. I wasn’t there to enjoy the scenery. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the bedroom and straight to the bar. There was an assortment of liquors so I poured myself a vodka shot and downed it.

“Take it easy, killer. I don’t want you getting too comfortable with the fellas tonight.”

I snorted. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ve seen pictures of the men we’re investigating. The liquor is to help me see them in a new light.”

“You did pretty well with me earlier,” he noted. He stood in front of me as I poured another shot.

“It’s all part of the job. Besides, I knew you.”

“I see. So you think you know me, huh?”

“Well, maybe not really know you, but everyone in the field has heard your name. You have a reputation.”

Pouring himself a shot of whiskey, he held the glass to his lips. “And what’s said about me?” he asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

I tossed my shot back and cringed when it went down. “Stuff I’m sure you already know. You’re a smooth talker, like breaking the rules, and a master manipulator. Not to mention you’re a complete pain in the ass. I’ve also noticed you get angry when you don’t get what you want. Some would call that temper tantrums.”

“It looks like you have me all figured out. It’s a shame I don’t know much about you.”

“Like you care anyway. I seem to recall you trying to get rid of me.”

He winked. “I still am. You ready to go?”

I set my glass down and waved toward the door. “After you.”

I didn’t want to be a dick, but dammit to hell, I was pissed. Even with all the work I’d done on the case, I knew without a doubt the FBI would take all the credit for solving it. The file was what really got me going. I didn’t like people telling me what to do. It was my idea to hire Aylee in the first place, not knowing she was a f*cking FBI agent. That was all me.

Seeing the way she handled my bullshit, there was no way I was going to be able to get rid of her. It was fun trying, even though I felt like a douche putting the moves on her when I knew she was only letting me touch her to prove a point. I couldn’t deny the attraction I felt. Not only was she sexy as f*ck, but she was strong and totally not interested. I had yet to meet anyone like her.

“Where do you want to start?” she asked, gazing around the casino.

Her body fit perfectly into my side as I held her close. “Have you ever been in a casino before?”

She shook her head. “I’m from Maine. The only casinos we have are in Oxford and Bangor. It’s not exactly my cup of tea.”

“I didn’t know you were from Maine.”

“That’s because you’ve been too busy messing with me to ask. Have you ever been there?”

“No, but I’ve always wanted to visit the state. Unfortunately, nothing ever happens up there that needs my attention.”

“Why do you think I live there? Okay, where do you want to start?” She glanced up at me, all business.

“Why don’t you play tonight?”

Her eyes went wide. “Me? Are you insane? I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her with me and bought her a thousand dollars in chips. “It’s easy. I’ll show you what to do.”

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