Darker (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6)(12)

The atmosphere grew increasingly uncomfortable as we stared at one another. Arys’s sire had forced us into the blood bond. Perhaps we shouldn’t have rushed into it, but Harley’s intent to bond with me had left us no choice. He’d unknowingly played an important part in bringing Arys and I together. Upon discovering this, he’d grown desperate to have us both for himself. Jealousy will drive people to madness.

The blood bond is the vampires’ way of binding mortals to themselves through a deep exchange of blood. Though not enough to turn a mortal immediately, it ensured they would rise as a vampire upon their death. To prevent Harley or anyone else from binding me, Arys had done it. Now, his darkness grew in me in a way that threatened the balance of our twin flame union.

“I’m not looking for a way out.” I heard the pleading note in my tone and cringed. “I just can’t allow it to consume me. It’s already starting to. I may be a killer, but I don’t have to be ok with it. I can’t be like that.”

My voice rose dangerously, a near shout that bordered on hysteria. Arys flinched, a rare crack in his armor that allowed me to see the wound I’d inflicted.

“Like me. Isn’t that what you’re really saying?”

It was my turn to look away. I didn’t want him to see it in my eyes, the truth, that the thought of becoming a vampire terrified me in ways I couldn’t describe. Vampires were ruthless, cunning and powerful. Ultimately, they existed for the thrill of the hunt, the euphoria of the kill. They felt no remorse. Arys was all of this and yet still human in so many ways due to his connection to me. I didn’t want to hurt him.

“I’m scared,” I admitted. “I’m not ready to let go of my human side.”

“Will you ever be?”

The weight of his stare grew heavy. I forced myself to let him see the fear in my brown wolf eyes. The wolf was my safe place.

“I don’t know.”

“You should go, be wolf,” Arys said, gesturing toward the dark field and the forest beyond. “We don’t have to do this now.”

My beast leapt against my insides, demanding release. I didn’t feel good about leaving this unsettled, but was it even possible to settle? I felt ill.

“Arys, I love you. You know that, right?” I needed something, some kind of reassurance.

A sinking sensation gripped me. I knew Arys had been on edge lately. He had known the blood bond would afflict our twin flame tie, tainting me with his darkness. This was worse. He now believed he’d condemned me to a future I no longer accepted, which made it easier to understand why he was desperate enough to strike deals with demons. I understood his need to protect me from Lilah, but did he really think he could save me from himself?

I resented a choice I had willingly made. This was my burden to bear, not his. If he did something reckless, it might come back on us with a vengeance. I couldn’t let it come to that.

“Of course. And, I love you, my wolf.” He smiled, a sensual flash of fang that lacked genuine warmth. “After a century of believing I may never find you, I won’t lose you now, to anyone or anything. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to protect you, Alexa. Whatever that happens to be, I hope you can learn to live with it.”

Chapter Four

The Big Book of Love Spells held my attention while I waited for Toil and Trouble to close for the night. Brogan was finishing up with a few remaining customers. The people I saw in her magic shop, soccer moms, businessmen, little old ladies with walkers, always fascinated me. Looks sure are deceiving. I doubted I looked anything like what one would expect a werewolf to look like, particularly not one with the power of a vampire. With my long, ash blonde hair and brown eyes framed with smoky dark makeup, I probably looked much like any average twenty-something woman. Petite and casually dressed in blue jeans and a tank top with a rainbow colored peace sign, I was sure nothing about my appearance screamed supernatural. Of course, those who could work magic or possessed power of their own saw right through my outward appearance.

As if on cue with my thoughts, the shop door opened, and Gabriel slunk inside. Gabriel was tall, lanky and drenched head to toe in Goth attire. From the spiked collar to the thick eyeliner to the metal band t-shirt, he looked more like the type one might expect to see in a magic shop. However, this kid had serious power. I’d felt it myself, and my curiosity had been piqued.

Relief swept through me. After the look of horror he’d given me the last time we’d both been here, I was surprised he’d shown up. Brogan had arranged this meeting. I had some magically encrypted files that I desperately needed to get into, and she’d been sure Gabriel had the talent to do just that. He shuffled over to the other side of the store without so much as a glance my way.

Shaking my head at some of the silly love spells, I returned the book to the shelf. Did people really think that a few herbs and the right words would make someone love them? Even more disturbing was the possibility that one’s will could be bent that way. I suppressed a shudder and moved on to a rack filled with chalices and crystal balls.

“Finally,” Brogan announced after she’d locked the door behind the last customer. “Are you two ready? We can go in the back.”

I followed her into the back room where several large storage shelves lined the wall, laden with various spellcasting items. In the center of the room was a large round table covered with a red cloth. It sat inside a big circle painted on the bare floor. Gabriel joined us a moment later, sitting opposite of me.

Trina M. Lee's Books