Insurrection (Nevermore #1)(15)

What is wrong with me?

She hated humans.

But they weren’t supposed to look the way he did. Ripped and lean. Handsome beyond measure. Delectable.


He was exceptionally well formed, for any species.

And when he turned and caught her staring at him with the full weight of her teenage hormonal surge, she felt heat instantly scald her cheeks. Time seemed to stand still as he froze with one hand on the locker door.

For several agonizing heartbeats he said nothing as her mortification claimed her completely. They merely stood there in awkward silence.

Until he pulled his shirt over his head and closed the locker in front of him. “Did you need something?”

That deep, resonant voice sent another shiver over her. It made her entire body tingle. Stop it, Daria! Get a hold of yourself! She wasn’t some prepubescent child. Technically, she was a grown Maten.

Though at the moment, she felt some inexplicable urge to giggle and hide her face.

Or runaway and hide.

Yeah, that would be a bad idea.

So, she made herself take a step toward him and at least pretend like she still had some sort of brain activity. “I just wanted to thank you. It was rude of me not to do so earlier.”

He tucked a peculiar black knife into a sheath at the base of his spine. “It’s fine. I wasn’t expecting any kind of thanks.”

From the likes of you. He wasn’t rude enough to add that last bit out loud, but the tone of his voice implied it.

As he started past her, she stopped him. His nearness hit her with another wave of desire that made a mockery of the earlier one. Every part of her was alert to him now. And it took everything she had not to kiss those lips that seemed to be made for just such a thing.

She drew a ragged breath, wishing that they weren’t so different. “I also wanted to say that I was sorry, Commander. I didn’t mean to get anyone hurt.”

Josiah hesitated as he saw real remorse in her dark eyes. And he hated himself for letting it weaken him. She was a Drab. Plain and simple.

His worst enemy. She symbolized everything he despised in this world.

Yet when she stood this close to him, with her hand on his forearm, all he saw was an attractive woman.

A scared, vulnerable one. Especially given the way her hand lingered and trembled on his flesh.

And that weakened him even more. He’d always been a sucker for anyone in need, especially a woman or a child. It was what had caused him to join the police force against his father’s wishes.

Protect and serve those who couldn’t defend themselves. Might shouldn’t make right. It was the duty of the strong to bleed for those who couldn’t hold their own.

He just wished he’d done a better job protecting his wife and family.

“Don’t be afraid, Daria. If your parents are alive, I’ll bring them back to you. You have my word on that.”

The pain in her eyes was one he knew intimately. It was the same ghost that haunted him with every breath he drew. Day and night. It even stalked his sleep and made him dread those few hours when he had no control over his mind that ever wandered off, and left him exposed to his rawest emotions. Those hours when he would venture to the past to be with his wife and live in a time before the Drabs had destroyed his life.

They had taken everything from him.

She hadn’t. Daria hadn’t even been born yet, and she had nothing to do with their cruelty. You know this, Joey.

But it was hard to remember that when all he wanted to do was lash out, and use her as a scapegoat for all the injustices that had left him gutted and bitter.

Left him alone and bleeding.

The world was callous, and it had turned him into a monster long ago. Sadly, it was easier to be that monster than the man he once was.

“Xed told me that I could trust you.” Unshed tears made her eyes shine in the dim light. “I pray he’s right.”

Josiah stamped down his urge to hurt her in retaliation for all the ills of the past. Yet it was hard.

Indifference was the best he could strive for, given his innate hatred. And even that was difficult. “I won’t hurt you.” He hoped that wasn’t a lie.

She offered him a shy smile. “Again, thank you. If you need anything from me in terms of intel or insight, please let me know. . . . Stay safe, Commander.”

With those words spoken, she stood up on her toes and laid the most chaste kiss imaginable against his cheek.

Yet for all its innocence, it left his skin burning for reasons that didn’t bear thinking on.

She’s a child.

And a Drab!

Too bad his body didn’t listen. Drab or not, she was a beautiful creature. One who smelled like sunshine and spring. And it’d been way too long since he’d last held a woman in his arms.

Far too long since he’d allowed himself to look at one as anything more than a sister in need of saving.

But he was looking now ...

I need to gouge out my eyes.

Only problem was, he didn’t want to. And before he could stop himself he heard himself making an offer to her that wasn’t as disgusting as it should be. “Would you like for me to show you around later ... after we get back?”

Her cheeks darkened again, and she nodded. “I think I’d like that a lot.”

Why was he so breathless?

Why was she?

She stepped away, then hesitated and turned toward him. “How do humans say ‘roundabout’?”

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Books