Deadly Holiday (Southern California Violent Crimes Taskforce #6.5)(9)

Enraged by her refusal, Ortega withdrew a gun, firing into the air. Children and adults alike screamed, cowering beneath tables and each other for protection. Mitch threw himself in front of Emma and Celina, while Thomas, Sophie, and Victor put themselves in between the guns and the frightened guests.

“Perhaps I’ve not made myself clear,” he snarled, leveling his gun on the nearest person—Olivia Fiorelli. The woman stiffened in her chair, color draining from her face. “If you don’t do what I ask, then I will start killing hostages, one by one.”

Celina inhaled sharply, holding Via tighter. From the corner of her eye she saw Victor move with cat-like ease, effectively putting himself between Olivia and the gun. Jaw clenched, fury rolled off his large frame in waves. Ortega was lucky he held the gun, because Victor looked ready to tear the man apart.

“Please, don’t hurt anyone.” Left with little choice, Dr. Kyan reluctantly nodded. “There’s no need for violence, Mr. Ortega. Of course I’ll do everything in my power to help Jana, but she can’t be transported. She’s too sick.”

Ortega slowly lowered the gun. “But we have to go. We’re in danger here.”

“She’s in more danger if you take her on the road. She needs immediate medical attention and I have all my equipment and the bone marrow that was harvested from you here. She won’t make it if we don’t start on her right now. Traveling at this point is out of the question if you want her to live.”

The room was eerily quiet as everyone waited for Ortega’s response. Jana’s troubled breathing was the only sound, her sad eyes big in her face, pleading with her father. It was a risky gamble, but the alternative wasn’t pretty.

“Please, Mr. Ortega,” Dr. Kyan said. “This is Jana’s best chance. It may be her only chance.”

He reluctantly stowed the gun in his waistband. “Fine, but no tricks. This hospital is under my command. There is no way in or out without me knowing it.”

Worry for Cooper and Ronni rose up sharp, but Celina couldn’t think about that right now. She had to have faith they would figure out a way around Ortega’s men to get help.

Two nurses rose to their feet and slowly approached.

“Dr. Kyan, Megan and I will assist you with the surgery,” one of them spoke, motioning between herself and the other nurse.

Dr. Kyan smiled, somewhat relieved. “Thank you, Zoe, I appreciate that. Why don’t we take Jana to the surgical ward and get her prepped.” She glanced at Basilio. “That is, if it’s alright with Mr. Ortega.”

“Yes, do it. Ramone,” he snapped his fingers, and a large man jumped to alert. He wore the same camo pants and black shirt as the rest of the group, but there was a smug confidence about him that said he was used to being left in charge. “You know what to do.”

The nurses wheeled Jana from the room, followed by Ortega, two other guards, and Dr. Kyan. Celina watched them go, frustrated that she was helpless to do anything to stop them. She was a seasoned agent capable of taking a man down with her bare hands, but at the moment, they were tied. She wouldn’t risk Novia’s life, nor the lives of the others. There were too many armed guards. If they were going to take control of the situation, then they would need to do it in one solid strike.

Thomas seemed to have the same idea because he nudged her side. He continued to face forward, but from the corner of her eye Celina caught a hand movement she was quite familiar with. Of course. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Everyone on the taskforce was trained for situations when they weren’t able to verbally interact and had developed their own line of communication by using a series of covert hand gestures and eye signals. Dupé caught on to Thomas’s idea, and soon, Celina, as well as the other taskforce members, knew what to do: distract the guards. Hopefully, Cooper and Ronni would bring the cavalry soon.

Now for the hard part—putting the plan into motion.

Celina drew in a deep breath, heart hammering in her chest. She knew better than to wake a sleeping baby, especially one with a formidable temper like Novia’s, but if they were going to do this, than they would need the little Princess’s help. Praying this would work, Celina gently jostled the baby awake. Novia blinked her eyes open, staring up at Celina for a moment before her little mouth puckered and opened on a wail.

“Shut that fucking kid up.” Ramone snapped, eyes narrowed. As if on cue, Jett joined in, and soon the rest of the children were whimpering. So far, so good.

Ramone jammed a hand through his hair, now thoroughly irritated by all the noise. “Jesus fucking Christ, do something to shut them up already!”

The guards shifted uneasily, unsure how to handle a roomful of crying children. Perfect. That’s what they were counting on. Celina lifted Via in her arms, bouncing on the balls of her feet to calm her daughter down.

“They’re kids, and they’re scared.” She swallowed the lump of fear in her own throat when Ramone swung his gun in her direction. “Maybe the crafting table will keep them occupied for a while. If we add another table, everyone can fit, and the kids will have something to do.”

“Fine,” Ramone waved dismissively, pinching the bridge of his nose, “anything if it gets them to shut the hell up.”

Nelson and Thomas pushed tables together, Sophie spread materials out across the surface, and Olivia quickly ushered everyone over. The children looked wary, but appeared happy to be doing something active and their parents also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Novia and Jett were calmed and carefully placed into the playpen, which Celina and Emma pushed behind the tables to keep them out of harm’s way.

Misty Evans & Amy Ma's Books