Through My Window(Hidalgos #1)(16)

He orders it from a waiter and then sits down next to me. I clasp my hands in my lap, nervous.

“I’m very sorry about the guard,” Apolo apologizes, looking at me with those pure eyes of his. “Sometimes they hire just anyone.”

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have tried to go upstairs either.”

“I’ll tell Artemis to give you a pass so that way when you come, you can go upstairs whenever you want.”

“Thank you, but you don’t have to do that.”

“Hey, we’re neighbors, and, while we may not be best friends, I remember the times we played and talked through the fence together.”

“I didn’t think you would remember that. You were so little.”

“Of course I remember. I remember everything about you.”

The way he says it makes something in my stomach tighten with tension. Apolo notices the expression on my face. “I don’t mean to sound weird or anything, I just have a good memory.”

“Don’t worry,” I say. “You’re not weird.”

I’m the last person who’s qualified to judge you regarding matters of stalking, anyway, I think.

The bartender brings the whiskey and I take a sip, struggling to swallow it. It tastes awful. As I take another sip, my attention is drawn back toward the crimson curtains. “What’s in there?”

Apolo scratches his head but before he can answer me, his phone rings. He makes an apologetic face as he gets up to answer the call and walks away. I look down at the dance floor and see Dani dancing and laughing with a guy. I’m not surprised. She has such a charming, bubbly personality. My eyes dart back to the curtains, my curiosity getting the best of me as always. What lies beyond them?

Apolo is still on his call, so I stand up and head toward the mysterious place. The first thing that envelops me when I cross the curtains is darkness. It’s hard for my eyes to adjust to it, since the only light is from small candles scattered around the area and nothing else.

I see couples kissing and groping each other on the sofas positioned around the room. Some of them look like they’re having sex with clothes on. I pass so many curtains that are all the same color that I no longer know where the exit is, and I’m terrified to open the wrong curtain and interrupt couples doing God knows what. I decide to head toward a soft light coming through what looks like a clear glass door in the distance, in hopes that it’s an exit. But I’m met by an unexpected sight on the other side.

Ares is sitting in a chair with his head tipped back and his eyes closed. Carefully, I step out and join him on the balcony. The fresh night air hits me, and it’s like I just walked out of a spell. The candle room seems to have that effect, engulfing you in a dreamlike vibe. Now, I’m back in the real world, facing a dark night and a Greek god.

Ares looks so beautiful with his eyes closed. He seems almost innocent. His long legs are stretched out in front of him, and one hand holds his glass of whiskey, while the other is subtly giving his noticeable hard-on a gentle squeeze. Eventually he removes his hand, looking frustrated. He’s obviously trying to calm his little friend down by getting some fresh air, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

A smile of victory crosses my lips.

So you aren’t immune to my attempts at seduction. I’ve got you, Greek God.

I clear my throat, and Ares’s eyes shoot open, lifting his head up to look at me. I can’t get this stupid victorious grin off my face, and he seems to notice. “Why am I not surprised to see you here?”

“Getting some fresh air?” I give a little laugh.

Ares runs his hand over his jaw. “Do you think I’m like this because of you?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I know you are.”

“How are you so sure? Maybe I’ve been making out with a beautiful girl, and she left me like this.”

His response doesn’t affect my smile. “I’m sure because of the way you looked at me back in there. And the way you’re looking at me right now.”

Ares stands up, and my courage falters a little. “And how exactly am I looking at you?”

“As if you were a second away from losing control and kissing me.”

Ares laughs with that husky laugh that I find so sensual. “You’re delirious, maybe it’s the alcohol.”

“Do you think so?” I push him backward, and he falls into the chair.

Those deep eyes don’t leave mine as I move closer, and with both legs on either side of his, I sit on him. Immediately, I feel how hard he is against me, and I bite my lower lip. Ares’s face is inches away from mine, and having him so close makes my poor heart beat like crazy. He smiles, showing off his perfect teeth.

“What are you doing, Witch?”

I don’t answer him and bury my face in his neck instead. He smells delicious, a combination of expensive cologne mixed with his natural scent. My breathing accelerates as I leave a trail of wet kisses all over his neck. I make him put his glass of whiskey on the floor and guide his hands to my ass and leave them there. Ares sighs, and I continue my attack on his neck. His hands squeeze my body, and I feel him get even harder against me. I start to move against him gently, tempting him, torturing him.

A slight moan escapes his lips. I smile against his skin and move my mouth until I reach his ear. “Ares,” I moan his name in his ear and he presses me tighter against him.

Ariana Godoy's Books