Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist (Mistletoe Romance #1)(15)

“What did you have in mind?”

“Follow my lead.”

Nick nodded.

As they walked back into the bar, Noel slipped her hand into the back pocket of his jeans and it took everything in him not to jump.

“You copping a feel?” he asked.

“Maybe. Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” The minute he’d felt her fingers against his ass through the denim, his cock stirred to life. After this, he was going to need a cold shower. He was sick and tired of Rosy Palm, but he was used to her.

Pike and Anthony stared at them in horror as they sat back down, their hands connected on the tabletop.

“Ummm…” Anthony started.

“What the hell is going on?” Pike finished.

“How about you act normal and stop asking questions?” Noel ground out between her teeth.

“But everything started out normal. We all got here, had a few laughs. Then you guys made out, disappeared, and came back in holding hands! Excuse me for having a couple questions.”

Anthony caught on quicker and elbowed the other man. “They’ll explain later, wide mouth. Just button your lip until we get out of here. Or go get us some more drinks, since it’s your turn.”

“All right, all right.” Pike stood up and smoothed down the front of his shirt. “I’ll grab some beers to slow this party down.”

Nick glanced at Noel with a grin. “Good idea.”

A shadow passed over their table and Nick noticed Noel tense. He looked over his shoulder to find Trip and Jillian standing behind him.

“Hey there, Nick. Welcome back!” Jillian batted her thick black lashes at him, glued to Trip’s side. The girl was a world-class flirt, but Nick didn’t hold it against her.

“Thanks, Jillian. It’s good to be back.” Noting the way Noel gripped his hand, Nick brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. She immediately relaxed, giving him a small smile.

“When did you two become a thang?” Trip asked, drawing out thang sarcastically.

“What do you think, babe?” Noel’s eyes twinkled as they met his. “A little after lunch.”

“Honestly, I knew the minute I got out of the terminal and saw you that we belonged together. That it was you. It’s always been you.”

Noel snorted softly at his speech, her lips pressed together like she was about to explode with laughter.

“Isn’t that sweet?” Jillian pulled on Trip’s arm. “Don’t you think so? And you were all worried to tell her about us.” Jillian addressed Noel as she continued, “Trip told me about your arrangement.” Jillian winked at Nick. “Guess you just needed the right man to come along and swoop you into a real relationship.”

Nick asked because he knew Noel needed to know. “And how long have you been seeing each other?”

“Three weeks or so. We wanted to be sure before he told you. Hope there are no hard feelings.”

“Of course not.” Noel’s sweet tone covered the trace of anger only Nick noticed. “Congrats. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.”

Nick grabbed the back of her chair and slid it over next to him. He nuzzled her neck before leaving a kiss on her cheek. “Isn’t she the best? Beauty. Brains. Drive. Damn, I sure am lucky.”

“Come on, Jill. I need a beer,” Trip muttered, pulling Jillian towards the bar.

“Have a good night,” Noel called after them, barely containing a giggle.

Anthony shook his head. “Is that what all this is about?” He waved his hand between them for emphasis.

Nick kept his arm on the back of Noel’s chair as he lowered his voice. “Noel was trying to help me out after Amber walked in with her Thor Wannabe and we figured putting on a show would stick it to all of them.”

“Good idea, except one thing…”

“What’s that?” Nick asked.

“Amber looks like she’s about ready to break her six-inch heel in someone’s ass.”

Noel and Nick turned around and caught the venomous expression on his ex’s face. Her new man tried to kiss her and she pushed him away with a glare, before her focus returned to them.

“Damn, she looks pissed,” Noel laughed. “Good thing plastic blonds don’t scare me.”

Pike returned and set three beers and a creamy shot down. “Beers for the gentlemen and fuzzy balls for the lady.”

Noel glared at Pike. “Really? Thought we all needed to slow down?”

“This one is straight revenge. Hopefully you enjoy it.”

Noel tipped back the shot and smirked. “Delicious.”

A loud cow bell rang from the bar and Ricki shouted, “How did the hairy balls taste, Noel?”

The room quieted and Nick was ready to hold Noel back if she decided to choke Pike.

To everyone’s amusement, Noel yelled back, “Sweet and salty, just the way I like ’em.”

The whole bar burst out laughing, including Pike. After a minute or so, Noel whispered to Nick, “You can let me go now. They all left.”

Nick completely forgot that they were only acting and reluctantly removed his arm. Holding Noel had felt good. Right.

Maybe they shouldn’t pretend to be together for anyone’s sake. For something that was supposed to be fake, it had felt too real.

Codi Hall's Books