His Royal Highness(4)

And that’s that. No more business talk.

As our food disappears from our plates, our discussion turns to the murder mystery podcast we’ve been following for the last few weeks. I got him addicted and now we both love playing armchair detective.

After dinner, he walks me to the elevator with a doggy bag filled with enough food to keep me fed for a week. Ava always does this, and I’ve learned not to fight it. I know when I get home, I’ll find that the bag is filled not only with leftovers from our meal tonight, but with other previously prepared food as well.

She just can’t help herself.

“Same time next week?” he asks, pressing the elevator button for me.

“Same time.” I nod.

The doors slide open and I take a step in before realizing there’s a man trying to exit. Cal’s guest must have finally arrived. For a split second, we do the awkward elevator tango. Left. Right. Left. How can two humans possibly be so in sync? We’ll be dancing around each other for all of eternity, I think, before he chuckles and gives me a wide berth, stepping around me. I step onto the elevator and turn back, eyes chancing a quick glance up at his face. I expect to see a board member or close confidant of Cal’s, someone who frequents his penthouse. Instead, I’m punched in the gut by the sight of a man I haven’t seen in eight years.

Our gazes catch and my knees give way. A second before I crumple, I catch myself against the elevator wall, just above the control panel.

He doesn’t speak.

I don’t either.

Has it been five seconds or five years since we first locked eyes?

His mouth opens. I know he’s about to say something, but before he can, I slam my hand on the Close door button, and for once the damn thing decides to work. Surely it’s the first time in recorded history. The elevator doors glide shut, blocking him from my view, and I slide down to the floor, lost for words, lost for air.

It’s been eight years and now he’s back.

Cal’s grandson.

My first crush.

Chapter Two


I’ve had a hell of a day. Delayed flight from London. Chatty seatmate. Traffic piled up on the highway. I could use a change of clothes, a warm meal, and a bed, though if I could only pick one, I’d take the bed. I’d planned to arrive this afternoon and get settled into my apartment at exec housing before dinner with Cal, but I had to come straight here from the airport instead. He told me it was urgent.

I blame sleep deprivation and a long travel day for my poor manners just now. I didn’t expect to walk off the elevator and nearly trip over another person. I was so concerned with keeping us both on our feet that I didn’t think to stop and look at her.

It wasn’t until she’d fully stepped onto the elevator that my fatigue-addled brain finally put two and two together.


My old friend.

All grown up…

“You’re late,” Cal says, his tone hard.

I glance over my shoulder and take in my grandfather, hands stuffed in his pants pockets, white beard longer than when I last saw him. He and I used to be the same height, but it seems old age has stolen an inch or two.

I drag a hand across my chin and nod. “Plane had mechanical issues. I only got in an hour ago.”

“I was hoping you would be here for dinner.”

The mention of a meal has my stomach grumbling so loudly Cal can’t miss it.

His reproachful eyes soften as he shakes his head. “C’mon, I’ll have Ava fix you a plate.”

He waits for me to catch up to him and we walk side by side to the dining room. He slings his arm around my shoulders—never one to shy away from showing affection. “It’s good to have you home.”

It’s good to be home.

I’ve been away for too long, longer than I originally intended.

London has been my home base for eight years. Cal wanted me to oversee the construction of our sister theme park, but now that it’s up and running, I belong back here, with him.

“How are you feeling?”

His arm leaves my shoulders. “If you think we’re going to spend the whole night talking about my health, you can just turn right back around and find somewhere else to eat.”

“I think it’s a fair question. You owe me a little information after the stunt you pulled.”

I don’t know whose idea it was to keep his health issues from me, but when I found out he’d been in the hospital a few months after the fact, I was more than a little pissed. I know Cal. I know he likes to downplay the severity of his health issues—especially when said issues could potentially take his focus away from his work—but had I known, I would have been on the first flight back to Georgia. I would have come home sooner.

He dips his head into the kitchen and asks Ava to fix me a plate. Then he turns and takes his place at the head of the table. “All I’m going to say is that I have a team of doctors chirping around me nonstop. A nurse comes up here every day to take my blood pressure and hound Ava about what my diet looks like. I have her lie, of course. There’s no one more loyal than Ava, but like I told Whitney, a man has to live. A little salt here, some wine there—it won’t kill me, and if it does, I’ll die a happy man.”

“I’m happy to hear you’re taking your health seriously.”

R.S. Grey's Books