Bad Things (Tristan & Danika, #1)(22)

“I see you rubbing this spot all the time. You’re tense. You should let me work on you.”

“Are you a massage therapist, too?”

“No, but I have strong hands, and they’re at your service, whenever you like.”

Boy, did my mind go crazy with that statement, running wild with the things I’d like him to do with his hands.

His hands moved down my back, rubbing deep into my muscle tissue. He worked to the sides of my waist, kneading. I moaned when his arms circled me, his hands working on my abs. I felt his chest just brush against my back, and instinctively I leaned into him.

“Boo, why is he touching your belly?” Mat shouted with typical six-year old volume control basically loud enough to alert the entire neighborhood.

That snapped me out of it. I straightened, moving away from Tristan. “He was helping me put on sunscreen, peeka.”

I didn’t look at Tristan again until he spoke. “Can you get my back?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

“Yes, of course,” I said, moving to help him automatically. I paused for a long moment, staring at his back on full display.

I thought that there couldn’t be anything on earth sexier than a strong back as I began to work the sunblock into his skin, relishing the feel of his firm, resilient flesh. I kneaded at his shoulders, trying to copy what he’d done to me, as I studied his myriad tattoos.

There was a golden dragon on his shoulder. It was intricate, and every detail looked precise and perfect, even in the direct sun. It was beautiful. I made a note to ask him about it. Later.

He moaned, and I kept rubbing, working down his back, slipping my hands to his sides. I could scarcely believe it, but he felt even better than he looked.

I was careful to keep my chest from touching his back as I reached around to rub his abs. It was only fair…and I was dying to know how they felt. I’d never touched six pack abs before.

I shut my eyes, leaning into him, as I kneaded at his hard flesh.

“Now you’re helping him put some on his belly, boo?” Mat shouted.

“Yeah, peeka,” I said, flushing hotly.

I stepped away from Tristan, handing him the bottle of sunscreen so he could finish putting it on.

I didn’t look at him, taking a few brisk steps, and diving into the pool.


We both made a good show of ignoring those brief moments of contact, but I couldn’t seem to get my mind off how good he’d felt, or how amazing it had felt to let him touch me.

We swam for hours, playing and frolicking in the water.

Tristan was great with the boys, throwing them around the pool just how they liked.

He lifted a giggling Ivan above his head before dropping him into the water.

Ivan resurfaced, laughing. He pointed at Tristan. “I bet you can’t do that to Danika!”

“You bet me?” Tristan asked.

“I dare you!” Ivan said.

Tristan arched one sassy brow, sidling over to where I was working with Mat on his backstroke. I yelped as he gripped his big hands around my waist, lifting me before I could think to put up a fight. He didn’t throw me, as he had Ivan, but lifted me high, thrusting his head between my legs, and settling me onto his shoulders.

I scrabbled for a handhold, trying to grip his too-short hair, finally settling for a hold under his chin. My thighs clenched hard around his neck.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Ivan dared me.”

“You can’t say no to a dare, can you? Even if it comes from an eight-year old?”

He shrugged his shoulders, jostling me until I clutched him harder, screeching.

“I guess not,” he said.

“I dare you to drop her!” Ivan called, the little traitor.

Tristan didn’t hesitate, lifting me by the hips, holding me high over the water for a brief moment, then dropping me.

I came up sputtering and glaring.

He just smiled.

I started thinking hard about how to get even.

The sliding glass door opened, and Jerry leaned out. “I’m running errands, boys. Anyone want to join me? I might just be getting ice cream while I’m out…”

Mat was climbing out of the pool before Jerry had even finished. Ivan paused for a moment, considering. Finally, he chose ice cream, bolting out of the pool.

Jerry waved at us as the boys ran inside. “I’ve got them for the afternoon, so, have fun.”

I waved back, still plotting about how I could dunk Tristan under water. He was just so big…

Jerry ducked back inside, and we were left alone.

Tristan smiled at me, leaning back, and propping his arms up along the side of the pool. He sank low, watching me, and I saw my chance.

I glided over to him, trying hard to look perfectly innocent. I moved close, getting right up in his personal space.

He watched me, swallowing hard.

I slid my arms around his neck, brushing my hands over his hair. I leaned in very close, and his breath caught, but he didn’t stop me.

I straddled him, hooking my legs behind his knees.

“What are you doing, Danika?” he asked roughly, looking almost panicked, but still, he didn’t stop me.

“I’m daring you,” I began, gripping the backs of his massive arms, “to go under!”

R. K. Lilley's Books