See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)(6)

Kade and I smirked at each other but agreed.

Riley’s always the cautious (or suspicious) one. It’s just his way.

But he really shouldn’t worry. The end room hall isn’t a coveted space. No one comes in here. The school’s all about forming friendships, blah, blah, blah, so hardly anyone bunks alone. Only the special needs cases end up on their own—either as punishment or because their parents want their precious offspring rooming alone.

It’s smaller than the usual rooms, like the builders were working without a plan and went, “Aw, crap, what are we gonna do with this end space here?”

It wouldn’t surprise me if it started out as a big storage closet and was then converted into a room one busy year when the roll was higher than usual. The only form of natural light is a narrow rectangular window near the internal wall.

I flick on the light, checking that the piece of black plastic we attached to the bottom of the door is still intact. The light doesn’t shine into the hallway, so we can be in here well past curfew and the dean won’t know it.

I pull open the closet, reaching into the back corner for our stash of candy bars. Our beer cooler is stored beneath the floorboards under the bed. Riley tutors kids in town on Tuesday nights, so he can restock it for us on his way back. We’ve perfected the art of concealment. He’s gotten past the gate guards every time, his backpack loaded with Bud Light.

Snagging the black bag, I pull it down and grab a can of Pringles, some Three Musketeers bars, and a packet of Reese’s Pieces. Dinner’s in twenty minutes. We can wolf this down and still have room for healthy eats.

Retying the bag, I make a mental note of our stock before throwing it back in the corner. Closing everything up, I head for the secret door and pause. Something’s caught my eye and it’s not a good sign. I should get out of here double-time, but I have to check out the suitcase I just spotted beneath the bed.

My brow furrows.

Who else is storing stuff in here? I have to know…and then warn them to stay the hell off our turf.

I tug it out and am about to open it up for a look when an idea hits me.

Wait. No frickin’ way.

The new kid. Mr. Skin and Bone. Ivan’s next victim.

They wouldn’t put him in here, would they? He can’t be a senior.

The door clicks open and I shoot to my feet, kicking the bag back into place.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I cram the candy into my pockets. The Pringles can sticks out of my sweatpants, impossible to hide.

It may seem ridiculous to be worried about getting busted with candy, but Dean Hancock is a strict SOB and I only have one strike left. I wouldn’t put it past him to use this small misdemeanor as an excuse to kick my ass to the curb.

My first strike came after I beat the shit out of Ivan.

Strike two was the fire hose incident of junior year. Freaking funny, but apparently only to me.

I’m on my final strike, and they remind me every chance they get.

I’m sweating bullets, trying to come up with some excuse that won’t land my ass back home, when a face appears in the room.

It’s not the dean.

It’s the new kid.

He jerks to a stop, his brown eyes popping wide. “What are you doing in here? This is my room. I’m not supposed to be sharing with anyone.” His voice is all high and squeaky, and his tone makes it sound like rooming with someone is the worst thing in the world. He clears his throat, his eyebrows dipping in a sharp V as he lowers his voice and growls, “Get out.”

“Calm down.” I raise my hand, then have to make a quick grab for my Pringles. I hate it when they get smashed up in the can. “My room’s next door.”

I use the Pringles to point at the wall and then give the guy a little smile, hoping he won’t go running to the dean.

His sharp little nostrils flare. “Did you get lost on your way back from hockey?”

Huh, so he remembers me then.

I wasn’t imagining things. We had a connection, which is totally disconcerting. I need to get the hell out…while not looking like a guilty snoop.

I paste on a smile. “Well, I just wanted to welcome you to Eton.”

“By sneaking into my room?”

His voice is rising again, like some squeaky tween going through puberty. Have his balls failed to drop, or is that fear I’m detecting?

“I’m not gonna hurt you, man. I’m just…” I shrug. “I’m Trey.”

I extend my hand in greeting.

He points to the door. “Get out.”

“O-kay.” I raise my eyebrows. “I would say nice to meet you, but your shitty tone’s not really doing it for me, so…”

“You’re standing in my room uninvited. How do you want me to speak?”

“It’s a boarding school, man. Chill out. We sometimes visit each other’s rooms. Big deal.”

His skin pales, his thin black eyebrows wrinkling into a rollercoaster line. “Well…d-don’t come into mine.”

“Whatever, man.” I shrug and head for the door. “Good luck tomorrow. You’re gonna need it.”

I swear he looks like he’s about to faint.

I can’t help a snicker as I leave the room, shaking my head in confusion.

I’ve met wimpy kids before but this guy takes the cake. The door slams shut behind me and I rush into my room before anyone sees me in the hallway. Dumping the candy and chips on my bed, I quickly cover up the hole in our wall, moving Kade’s desk back as quietly as I can.

Jordan Ford's Books