Brothers - Dexter's Pack - George (Book Five)(2)


She reached out with her magic and tested the space for anything untoward. Supernatural in origin.


“That’s the trouble with books…” Connor’s voice boomed out from directly behind her and she whirled in place – shooting magic from her fingertips at the vampire, and causing every muscle in his body to contract so hard that he literally fell down like a puppet with its strings cut…

“Seriously!” Vicky bit out, snapping off her magic off, and slapping her hands on her hips as she glared down at her mate. “You bloody stupid fang monster!”

Connor groaned inwardly as his whole body burst back to life – like a flower in the morning summer sun … He cursed, he groaned, he relished sinking his fangs into her vein and drinking thirstily…

And then the red mist of his bloodlust lifted and he kicked his backside into gear, propelling himself back to his feet, and shaking off the last of her magic with a full body shiver…

“I had a fab day, honey, and how was yours?” Connor offered her a smirk, and she dropped her chin down and glared at him from beneath her eyebrows…

“Now is not the time to act the idiot…” Vicky announced, and Connor frowned.

“Hmm,” he rolled his neck on his neck, “how about now?”

“How about I shove your head up your backside?”

“Ok, if you promise to get pictures.”

“You scared the bejesus out of me!” Vicky snapped.

“That by definition is what a vampire is supposed to do…” Connor grinned, but he could see that his mate wasn’t playing around. Something had triggered her nervousness.

It wasn’t like she didn’t zap him on a regular basis. She did. But, usually it was done with love and not too much malice…

He was already on alert for anything in their vicinity that could be off…

“And a witch is supposed to slay a vampire – check the odds – things aren’t in your favour.” Vicky bit back as she dismissed him and turned back towards the room.

She had to admit, she felt better knowing that Connor had her back … something rubbed with a sound that reminded her of sandpaper against stone, and just as she cocked her head to listen harder, so she suddenly found that she was being spun around and ended up facing his broad back…

“Heard it too…” Connor said, holding up his hand to keep his mate silent – not that there was anything much in life that could stop Vicky from spouting her opinion…

He felt the magic dig to his back – and he was more than aware that she was about to try to sidestep him to his left to get a look inside the room – he swayed in that direction and heard her hiss in annoyance.

It amused him, even if he was ninety five percent concentrating on what was in front of him, but he knew his mate too well…

“Better not be a rat…” Vicky whispered.

“Tasty…” Connor offered back, and snapped his full attention towards that sound once more…

A heartbeat later and he’d shoved his mate out the door – slammed it in her face, and was across the room, before he’d even heard her curse…



Landon didn’t do it often, but when he did, he liked to do it in the privacy of his truck, and nowhere near his mate.

The woman was just tone deaf – he could sing up a storm – rainclouds and everything with his deep, gravelly tones. But he liked country and she liked … anything but…

Landon heard the deep throaty sound of the motorbike right before he saw it coming at him around the winding bend of the mountain road.


He growled out – wanting to rip the damn CD player clean out of his dash and toss it out of the window – he might have heard the bike if he hadn’t of been blasting his damn music out and singing at the top of his lungs … that didn’t matter a hill of beans when the pickup truck and bike were about to collide.

Landon bit down on another curse and yanked on the steering wheel, trying his best to swerve over towards the ditch without ending up nose-diving into it, because he knew just how bad that would be. But he also didn’t want to make some idiot human a hood ornament on the front of his truck either…

He couldn’t believe his eyes when the bike turned as well. Black smoke came off the back wheel as it turned sideways on the road…

A heartbeat later and the damn thing was sliding along the road on its side, heading right for the underside of his truck, and the rider was skidding and rolling over the tarmac after it…

In those few seconds that followed; as bike and rider came towards his truck, Landon chain-cursed every dark word that he’d picked up over his lifetime.

Zana knew that it was going to be less painful to let her bike go – she hated it with a vengeance, but even her magic couldn’t perform miracles, and she needed to concentrate on what she could do to minimise the damage to her body – unfortunately, her bike was going to have to fend for itself…

That miffed her off, right there. Whoever was driving the damn pickup truck was going to get more than a mouthful of abuse from her. She was going to kick butt.

Zana heard the bike reach its final destination with the loud chewing sound of it being dragged beneath the underside of the truck, and she cursed aloud as she spun one more time and used her magic to finally cancel out the momentum.

M.L Briers's Books