Trusting Nicole (The Last Hangman MC #4)(13)

“I’ve heard that too, looks like a couple of good things came out of this crazy man blowing up their compound.” Ant gestures to me and they all look at me pointedly.

“Don’t look at me like that. Had I not, more of us would be dead.” I shrug. “Besides, always wanted to use one of those bad boys.” I smirk.

“How did it feel?” Gabe asks.

“Pretty f*cking amazing.” We all laugh.

“I’m sure it was.” Ray chimes in. “At least you didn’t blow one of your limbs off. Happened to one of our retired members. He held it for too long, then didn’t throw it far enough. Poor bastard.” We all join him laughing.

“Sorry to hear.” Ant offers.

“Don’t be, he’s living the f*cking life of leisure in Florida or some old people place.” He chuckles. “Missing a leg sure, but hasn’t stopped him from getting * and marrying his old lady.” He chuckles. “But anyway, I have to say that ever since you got rid of the problem for my club last year, things have been a lot smoother. We separated ourselves from a couple of club members who were siding with Blades and joined the Kings. So I’m glad they are gone with the trash too. We patched the two prospects who now know better than to listen to anyone other than me for orders. They’re good kids, I didn’t invite them for our events as I didn’t know how you would feel about it and I didn’t want to make trouble. We took a vote and we all agreed that this,” he gestures around the table, “worked f*cking amazingly. We’re in too.”

“Very good and I’m grateful you didn’t force them onto us for the past few events. I’d like to sit down with them and have a talk. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to have to set some ground rules that we all have to abide by so we can avoid any misunderstanding. We’ll draw up those rules together with the Prez, VP and Sergeant at Arms of each club.” Ant explains calmly.

“What about Sanders? He’s been very efficient, but what is he doing here or in the middle of this?” Ray asks quite confused by my presence.

“It’s been brought to my attention that, while there are only ten members left of the King, most of their chapters have been fairly quiet, except one of them. What’s left of the Kings and that chapter are moving in together and creating chaos just outside of Louisiana. They call themselves Hades’ Disciples. They haven’t made a move yet, but I’m sure it’ll come soon enough. Until we know what their goal is, we need to keep an eye out.”

“So you’re telling us that a bunch of those no life motherf*ckers are teaming up to come here to take us down?” Gabe asks me sarcastically.

“Take us down, not sure. Cause chaos? Definitely.”

“Us? You consider yourself one of us now?” Ric taunts me.

I sigh. “Honestly? I feel out of place at the station. It’s all I ever wanted to do when I was growing up, but now it feels so f*cking wrong. I feel more at home here than I do at the station.” I hate lying to them this openly.

“Why? Did losing your wife mess you up because there’s nothing your little cop friends could have done? Or maybe you’re realizing that executing your own justice is better than asking for help, when you know they won’t do shit,” Ric says rather harshly.

“Fair enough. It feels wrong to work for a system that is supposed to protect, help and serve, but actually doesn’t do much. Working on Cabe’s case opened my eyes to the corrupt and dirty side of the law. From that point onwards, everything went south and led me to feel this way.” I shrug. If only they knew.

“Good answer, but you’re going to need to rethink your priorities if you are about to work with us.” Ray tells me, no doubt gauging my reaction.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“While your position on the force could be beneficial for all of us, it could mean a lot of trouble for you, from inside and outside. No one likes a rat, even if that rat is a detective and it’s his job. You’ll have to choose between your cushy life or our lifestyle, can you handle that? Playboy?” Ray chuckles.

“You mean choose between a lifestyle that is slowly killing me or one that makes me feel something, that gives me that same rush of adrenaline that being a detective used to bring me?” Lies, lies, lies, all lies. “The choice is easily made, but the decision will be made in due time. I think it can be beneficial until we know more about those Hades’ Disciples, don’t you think?” I don’t cower under Ray’s intense gaze.

“You’re starting to grow on me.” Ray chuckles.

“Not too much I hope. Next thing we know, you’ll be the one throwing a badge around.” We all burst out laughing.

“You’re funny. That’s a good thing to have.” Ray smiles.

“Glad you think so. Anyway, my sources tell me that they should be in New Orleans in a couple of days or sooner, they are moving fast. I don’t know what we should expect, but it’s not going to be good considering the chaos they are already causing.”

“What do you mean?” Ric looks at me, obviously not liking what’s being said.

“They are keeping true to their Kings days. Mainly using and hurting women. The local MC’s aren’t too keen on letting them through, but they want to keep their women safe. We d-”

Muriel Garcia's Books