Forever Mine (Roommate Duet 0.5)(5)

“How’d you know?” I ask, not immediately texting her back.

“Because she wants to jump your bones, and you’re just playing hard to get.” Hunter stands and walks to the kitchen. “Where’s the booze? I need something to help prevent any pain and suffering I’m going to experience at this wedding tonight.” He starts looking around my cabinets and the top of my fridge.

I shake my head at him but smile. “Hey. You owe me for helping you get out of that horrible date, so I don’t feel bad for you. Also—for the record—I’m not playing hard to get. I’m just not interested in her like that. We’re acquaintances. Old high school friends. We’ve had drinks and reminisced about our past over lunch a couple of times. That’s it. Nothing serious. As soon as she got the invite to the wedding, she messaged me to go with her, and I felt bad saying no since I knew she’d be going alone if I didn’t take her. Plus, it’s not like I had anyone to take either.”

That causes him to turn and laugh in my face before he pulls some tequila from the freezer, unscrews the top, and drinks straight from the bottle as if it’s nothing. Truthfully, I don’t even know how long that bottle’s been in there. Hunter’s five years younger than me and likes to have a good time, but sometimes his antics are a little too much. Or maybe I’m just getting old. Though I doubt twenty-eight is really considered old. Hunter just acts like he never left college and parties like he has nine lives.

“You mean handsy?” He snickers. “You’re gonna have to spell out that you’re not interested in her regardless of how damn nice you are. If you don’t, she’ll think there’s the potential of something happening between you two,” he tells me, then takes another drink. He places the bottle on the counter, though he doesn’t take his hand off it.

“Hunter, my younger brother, the dating expert.” I deadpan.

He takes another shot, then places the bottle back into the freezer. I look at my watch, then grab my keys. As if he reads my mind, he follows me through the house as I walk toward the door.

“You should learn to live a little,” Hunter tells me as we step outside. “Wake up in a woman’s bed whose name you don’t remember. Experience a few one-night stands. Vacation fling. Fuck in a bar bathroom. I could make you a sex bucket list if you want.” He chuckles as if he’s proud of the knowledge, but I know he’s not joking. Hunter probably has his own list he’s fucking his way through.

I glare at him. “That’s how you get jock rot.”

Hunter shrugs as we walk down the sidewalk toward the truck. “I’ve done pretty well so far and have had zero STDs so…” Hunter lingers as if he’s actually going to convince me.

Releasing a short breath through my nose, I turn and give him a look. “Wow, you’re so wise.”

He scoffs. “All I’m saying is Veronica’s a pretty girl. Has the potential to be a level ten clinger, but hey, you gotta pick your battles. Either way, you should give her a chance at least. But you won’t. I know you won’t,” he says matter-of-factly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I narrow my eyes at his accusation.

“You never give anyone a chance. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re still stuck on the one ‘that shall not be named.’” He shoves his hands in his front pockets as I unlock the truck.

“Voldemort?” I smirk at him.

“You know who.”

I do, but I pretend to be ignorant about it because I’m trying not to think about her.

Once we’re in the truck, I pull my phone from my pocket and tell Hunter to text Veronica for me. I mentioned my little brother was attending, but I don’t think she fully understood he’d be our third wheel. As long as Hunter is my buffer, I know nothing will happen between us. He’s the greatest reverse wingman ever and always has my best interest in mind, so I know he’ll just randomly ruin the moment. If there are any moments to be interrupted.

Let’s pray there aren’t.

I take the long way across town, so I don’t arrive at her house too early. Once I show up, I have Hunter get in the back seat, then go and meet her at the door. She eyes me up and down like I’m the most delicious piece of cake she’s ever seen. I take it as a compliment.

“Babe. That suit looks good on you, or rather, you make that suit look good,” she says smoothly, lifting her eyebrows as she checks me out.

I smile at her. “You look great too. I love that color on you,” I tell her honestly. Veronica’s a beautiful woman with big blue eyes and thick blonde hair that falls right above her waist. In high school, she was the captain of the cheerleading squad, voted most flirty, and played the lead character in many football player’s fantasies. But I never went there because I was taken and not attracted to her in that way. She came off as a mean girl and that wasn’t appealing to me at all. Time has passed, though, and she’s not like that at all now. Though I’m sure some people would disagree.

As soon as I open the passenger side door for her, she steps up and notices Hunter sitting in the back. He leans over and gives her his signature charming grin because that’s how he is—number one flirt—and the ladies love it.

“Hey, Hunter,” she greets, studying him. “Didn’t realize you were riding with us too.”

Kennedy Fox's Books