Forever After All(10)

“You know what that was all about?” I ask Lucian. The contemplative look on his face tells me he’s as clueless as I am.

“I know things have been difficult for her with her mom being in a coma and her dad remarrying, but that’s all I know. I haven’t spoken to her in years. I follow her on social media, but she doesn’t exactly post much, so I have no idea what’s going on with her. Honestly, if I didn’t follow her I wouldn’t even have recognized her.”

Though my baby brother would never admit it, I know the fact that he and Elena grew apart kills him. She was his only real friend in the superficial world that our family operates in. When Elena lost her mother, he lost her.

I frown and eye the doors Elena just walked through. She knew who I was and deceived me. Why? Was it a fun game for her to play? A way to mess with me? Maybe she picked up a thing or two from her brother—she’s a Rousseau, after all. I shake my head and walk toward my car, but halfway there I pause at the same time Lucian does.

“Mom would kill us if we don’t make sure that she’s okay,” he says. I agree with him, perhaps a bit too quickly. Together we turn back around and march toward the club. I grab my phone and text my head of security, Aiden, to request a background check on Elena. Something is definitely up with her, and I want to know what.

By the time Lucian and I reach the front doors, I’ve got my friend Vaughn on the phone. “Where is Elena Rousseau?” I ask, not bothering with pleasantries.

“Lovely to hear from you, buddy. I’m good, thanks, how are you?” he says, sounding amused.

I roll my eyes. “Cut the crap, Vaughn. Where is she? Elena Diana Rousseau. I saw her walk into your club a few minutes ago. What is she doing here?”

Vaughn pauses. “Fuck. It’s her ?” he asks.


“Alexander, someone called me to say Matthew’s sister was going to show up. I thought I was doing you a favor, man. Fuck. I sent her to John. Conference Room eight. You’re not going to like this.”

Chapter 9

E lena

I sip the tea one of the secretaries made me and nearly scald my tongue. I’m restless and nervous. It doesn’t sit well with me that they knew me by name. This has Elise’s name written all over it. I’m certain this is a trap of some sort, but I can’t walk away either. Not when there’s even the slightest chance that I can save my mother’s life this way.

Maybe it was June who let them know I might drop by? It seems unlikely, but I’d rather have that than falling into another one of my stepsister’s traps. The last time I walked into one of her schemes, I was almost charged with possession of drugs. Not just any drugs. One hundred grams of cocaine. Elise takes going hard or going home to a new level, and for some reason, she’s always seen me as the bane of her existence. I’m not sure why, since I’ve never treated her unfairly. She’s one of the reasons I couldn’t wait to leave home. My heart sinks at the thought of my mother’s nurse and Elise colluding. If that’s the case, it means Elise and Jade have access to my mother. If they can get to June, they can get to Mom .

I look around the room, trying my best to battle my nerves. It looks more like a meeting room than anything else, with its long table and the cushioned chairs. This whole building is unlike what I expected. I thought I’d be walking into a nightclub, but instead, I found myself in what appears to be a downtown version of a very luxurious country club. I saw signs for countless facilities. If I’m not mistaken, I even saw one for a swimming pool and a golf area.

God, I hope I’m not in the wrong place. I shake my head. No, the receptionist knew who I was, so I’m definitely in the right place. I just hope they know why I’m here. I really hope I won’t have to explain myself. If I do, I’m not sure I’ll be able to go through with this.

Part of me wonders if running into Lucian and Alexander was a sign, a final chance to turn back around, before I lose any and all respect I have for myself. But then I think of my mother, and I know I’ll always regret it if I walk away now. I’d never forgive myself if she died when I could’ve done something to save her. Even if she never wakes up again, I need to know that I tried everything in my power to give her the chance to. If our roles were reversed, I know my mother would do the same for me.

The door behind me opens, and it seals my fate. A tall blond man takes the seat opposite me, a lecherous smile on his face. A chill runs down my spine when he leans back in his seat.

“How’s your tea, Elena?” he asks, his eyes on my chest. I frown. I’m not sure what’s going on, but something doesn’t seem right.

“I never gave anyone here my name.”

He smiles, a hint of cruelty in his eyes. “You didn’t need to. There isn’t much that we don’t know about you. I’m John, by the way. You and I are about to get very intimately acquainted—as part of your job interview, of course.”

I swallow hard, tremors running down my spine. I try to push down the fear I feel, but I can’t. I start to tremble, my heart pounding, yet I smile. I knew what I’d be getting into… I knew what would be expected of me.

“So, tell me why you’re doing this, Elena. Rich girl boredom? Daddy wouldn’t buy you a new handbag?”

Catharina Maura's Books