Dark Stranger Immortal (The Children of the Gods #3)

Dark Stranger Immortal (The Children of the Gods #3)

I.T. Lucas

P R E V I O U S L Y : A M A N D A “W e need to talk,” Amanda said as soon as she entered Kian’s office.

Scowling, he eased back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.

If he thought he could intimidate her with this angry scowl of his, he had another thing coming. Halting in front of his desk, she placed her hands on her hips and began tapping her shoe. “What did you do to her this time?”

Uncrossing his arms, Kian placed his palms on the glossy surface of his desk and pinned her with a hard stare. “What do you want, Amanda?” he barked.

Amanda winced. Shit, she had done it again. When would she learn that coming at Kian with her proverbial guns blazing would get her nowhere?

She’d better change her tone quickly before he kicked her out without hearing what she had to say.

Plopping down on the chair facing him, she forced a milder tone. “Syssi is upset and unhappy. You must’ve either done something or said something to hurt her.”

His expression changing from angry to frustrated, Kian ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. But I’ll be damned if I know what it was. I hoped she would tell you.”

So he knew he had done something wrong. Amanda frowned and straightened in her chair. “Syssi told me she was overwhelmed with all the stuff she had to wrap her mind around, but I know there is more to it. The way she was holding her arms around her middle she seemed almost in physical pain.” Watching him carefully, Amanda searched his face for signs of guilt. If the idiot had let loose and been too rough with Syssi, she was going to… what? Hire some goons to rough him up? Well, she would think of something…

He winced, and for a moment, she suspected the worst. But then he shook his head. “No, she was fine after we… After we made love… It was only after I told her our story that she clammed up.”

Amanda released the breath she’d been holding. If it had been only his clumsy delivery that had upset Syssi, then things were not as bad as she’d suspected. Although Fates only knew how Kian had managed to bungle things up, and if there was anything left for her to salvage.

“Tell me everything exactly as it happened. You may not know what you’ve done wrong, but I might.”

“Everything?” Kian cocked his brow with a little smile tugging at his lips.

Amanda waved a hand in front of her face. “Ugh! I don’t need the steamy details! Too much information, just the sequence of events, please, and what you said to her, or rather how you said it. We both know you tend to be somewhat uncouth.” To call his style uncouth was the understatement of the millennia, but she knew she had to tread lightly if she wanted him to cooperate.

Kian sighed. “Okay. So last night after we came back from the club, I didn’t thrall her after the sex. She was spacey from the bite, and I figured it was the perfect time to tell her what was going on, while she was still in a receptive mood and wouldn’t freak out. It just didn’t feel right to keep thralling her and lying to her. I decided to come clean the way we did with Michael. I told her some of it last night and the rest this morning. She didn’t freak out, didn’t panic, but she got upset. Mainly because she figured out that I would have to erase her memory if she didn’t turn. But then she seemed to understand why it was necessary and seemed better, then got upset again and wouldn’t tell me why.”

“Tell me exactly how you explained it to her.”


“Just humor me, I have a feeling your presentation lacked finesse, and since I wasn’t there, the only way I can figure it out is to hear it word for word.”

“I told her everything, pretty much the same way we explained it to Michael. Our history, the unique biology, how important both Michael and she might be to the future of our clan. Then I elaborated a little more about the venom and how it works. The first time she really got upset was when she realized she’d be sent away if she didn’t turn. The second was when I explained about the possibility of her getting addicted to the venom. Instead of alleviating her concerns, the more I explained how it could be circumvented by having several different partners, the more cold and distant she became. I think I did my best to make it clear that if she were to turn, she wasn’t trapped in a relationship with me because of it and would be free to choose anyone she wanted.”

Kian’s face twisted with rage. “And believe me, it cost me to get the words out of my mouth,” he growled.

She knew Kian was on the verge of exploding, but she just couldn’t help herself. “Suave, Kian… really suave, almost two thousand years old and clueless.” Amanda shook her head, she was blowing it. Maybe a little flattery would placate him. “I’m amazed that an intelligent and experienced man like you can be so blind.”

“That’s enough, Amanda! I will not tolerate this tone of voice from you.

You’re my sister and I love you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to talk to me with disrespect.” Kian’s rage found an outlet, but it had been a mild explosion.

If he thought she would cower before him, he had forgotten who he was dealing with. Amanda bowed her head with mock penitence. “My apologies, Regent, you’re right of course. This era is not very respectful toward its elders.” She smirked.

I.T. Lucas's Books