Kyle's Return (Gloves Off #5)(2)

“Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick.”

“So will I,” I spat. It was as if everything inside me just snapped. As hard as I could, I hit him in the balls with my knee and gave him an uppercut to the face. When he didn’t falter, I elbowed him again and again, his blood spurting all over my face. Finally, he fell to the ground and I was able to get out from under him.

The old Megan would have cried and ran away, but I wasn’t that girl anymore. Alex groaned and started to get to his feet, but I wanted to see him suffer. I kicked him in the gut and then to the face. It was as if I wasn’t in control of my body anymore. I wanted to kill him for making my life a living hell.

The sirens blared just down my street and I knew they were close. Every thought in my mind kept pushing me to kill him, to end it once and for all. The branch he took away from me was just a few feet away, so I picked it up and stood over his still form. The police were getting closer, leaving me just a few seconds to act.

Raising the branch high, I had it ready to smash his skull in. Taking a deep breath, I blew it out slowly and gripped the branch tight. “It’s over for you, Alex.”

“Megan, no.”

I stopped in mid swing. It was Officer Darryl Jenkins, the same cop who broke up the fight between Ryley and Alex at the club, and the one I confided in when I issued the restraining order. “You don’t understand,” I shouted with tears streaming down my cheeks. “If I don’t, I’ll never be free of him.”

He approached slowly with his hands in the air. “He’s not going to hurt you anymore, Megan. I’m going to make sure of that. Now put down the branch.” I looked down at Alex and almost finished him off, but now my yard was crawling with cops. It was too late. Tossing the branch to the ground, I stepped back and closed my eyes, knowing I was making a huge mistake.

Coming to my side, Darryl put his arm around my shoulder. “You did the right thing.”

“Did I?” I asked, watching two of the other officers handcuff Alex. They left him on the ground, still unconscious. “You better hope he doesn’t come after me again. Because next time I’m not going to let anyone stop me.” That was a promise.


Two Years Later

THE SECURITY DOOR buzzed open and in walked my former agent, Liam Harris, shackled with his hands behind his back wearing an orange jumpsuit. No more high-dollar suits for him. “Are you f*cking kidding me?” he growled. He tried to back up, but the guards pushed him toward the table where I sat. “I don’t want to see him. Get me out of here.”

“Sorry, shitdick, but you don’t have a choice,” one of the guards spat.

They slammed him down in the seat across from me, but he was too chicken shit to look me in my face. “So what?” I began. “You too afraid to look at me?” Lifting his chin in the air, he turned his face and ignored me like I wasn’t even there. “All right, I see how you want to play. This could’ve gone a lot smoother.”

His eyes went wide and before the guards could stop me, I punched him so hard I felt the bones in his face crack. He sailed back head first into the floor with blood pouring from his mouth and nose. The guards hauled me up by my arms and I willingly let them pull me to the door. “You better be glad you’re in here, cocksucker, because if you weren’t I’d rip off your dick and shove it down your goddamned throat.”

“Ouch,” one of the guards chuckled. As soon as I was outside the door, they let me go but with warning stares.

“I know I shouldn’t have done that. But he deserved it.”

The tall, burly one with the brown beard nodded his head. “We understand, but there are policies in place. I’m afraid you won’t be able to come back once we put in our reports.”

I glanced back into the room at Liam still lying on the floor. “That’s fine. I think I got my point across.”

“I’d say so,” the younger officer chuckled. He walked me through the guarded door and stopped me before I could leave. “Just so you know, he gets what he deserves in here. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.”

“Thanks, I needed to hear that.”

After washing off Liam’s blood from my hands, my knuckles were torn and split open. I didn’t want Kacey to see me with my hands like that, but once I told her what I did, hopefully she’d find some semblance of forgiveness. The gym was packed which was good because I knew Tyler wouldn’t want to kill me with so many people there. I parked my truck and took a deep breath before entering the lion’s den.

The girl working at the front looked up from some paperwork and her eyes did a double take. “Holy shit. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I can see you know who I am.” I let out a humorless laugh.

“Are you kidding me? Everyone around here knows who you are. You look the same from before, but I know your eyes aren’t just green. Wearing contacts to not freak people out?”

Actually, I was. For years I liked my two-tone eyes because they scared people. They made me different. But I didn’t want that anymore. “As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Can’t argue with you there.” She then glanced down at my legs. “Last I heard you couldn’t walk. You’re not here to cause trouble are you? Because if you are you came at the wrong time, buddy.”

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