Ecstasy Untamed (Feral Warriors #6)(14)

Whom she'd also just met.

It was crazy. She'd gone decades without a single male turning her head in any but the most cursory way. Then again, never before had she met a Feral Warrior. Perhaps it wasn't such a surprise that two had caught her eye. She should probably be grateful that she wasn't having heart palpitations for more of them.

"Pink, Xavier," Kara called. "I have someone I'd like you to meet."

The voices went silent. A moment later, from around the corner walked the oddest pair. The woman, just as Hawke had warned her, looked kind of like a flamingo. Bright pink feathers covered her human-looking face and arms - human-looking except for the unblinking bird eyes that watched her warily. At the bird-woman's side stood a young man, several inches taller, his eyes shifting unnaturally, clearly unseeing. His arm was slung casually across Pink's shoulders, his expression open, curious, and radiating a friendliness Faith couldn't help but respond to.

"This is Faith," Kara said. "Soon to be the mate of the new fox shifter."

"I'm very pleased to meet you both," Faith said sincerely.

Xavier grinned. "I'd like to shake your hand, but I don't want to knock anything over."

Faith slipped out of Kara's hold and stepped forward, within his reach. "I'm here, Xavier. I'd like to shake your hand, too." She glanced at Pink. "Both of yours, if that's okay."

The bird-woman said nothing. Xavier reached for Faith, and she intercepted his hand. When he released her, Faith smiled at Pink, letting her know she wasn't at all offended if Pink chose not to reach out to her. But to her surprise, Pink lifted her own hand, mimicking Xavier.

Faith felt a strong stab of empathy for this woman who must feel so out of place in any company. Gently, she took her hand and squeezed ever so slightly, marveling at the soft feel of feathers. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm so honored to be here."

"Xavier and I made oatmeal cookies," Pink said quietly. "Would you care for some?"

"Yes, very much. Thank you."

As Pink turned toward the back counter, Faith felt a large, warm hand curl around her shoulder from behind, squeezing lightly. "Well, done," Hawke said quietly.

She glanced up at him, turning, her temple brushing his jaw before he'd pulled fully back. Their gazes met, warmth and embarrassed laughter arcing between them at the small collision.

Hawke stepped away. "Lemonade?" he asked as he strode to the refrigerator.

"Pink makes the best lemonade," Xavier enthused. "She only uses real lemons, and she rolls them first to make them warm and soft so they give up all their juice."

Faith glanced at Kara to find the other woman watching her curiously. But a moment later, Kara stepped over to her and slipped her arm through Faith's. Together, they turned to watch Hawke pour several glasses as Xavier revealed all of Pink's lemonade secrets.

"X? Pink?" Hawke asked. "Lemonade?"

"Sure!" Xavier replied.

"No thank you, Hawke." Pink ambled toward them carrying a large tin and set it on the black granite countertop. As Pink lifted the lid, the smell of freshly baked oatmeal cookies filled the kitchen.

Kara reached for one and motioned Faith to join her. Hawke slid the glasses toward them, then took one to Xavier.

"Thanks, Dude!"

A moment later, Faith felt Hawke once more at her back, brushing her shoulder as he reached for a cookie.

Kara looked at him with amusement. "Since when did you acquire a sweet tooth?" She glanced at Faith. "When I first got here, all they ate was meat."

Hawke turned sideways, leaning against the island only a few inches from Faith's elbow. He was crowding her, just a little, in a way she suspected was common to shape-shifters since she knew them to be particularly physical creatures. In a way that shot her awareness of him sky-high. She could almost feel the heat from his body.

"It's hard not to crave a little sweetness when there's so much in the room," Hawke said quietly, a twinkle in his eye.

Kara laughed.

Though the words were blatant flattery, Faith sensed sincerity in them. Faith turned to find him watching her with a look in his eyes that made her chest feel suddenly tight, turning her breathing rapid. And shallow.

She supposed it was a good thing all the Ferals didn't affect her like this, or she'd never take a full breath again.

She forced herself to nibble the soft, delicious cookie as she struggled to ignore her body's inappropriate reaction to the male at her side.

As Xavier regaled them, in detail, about the food they'd prepared for the reception, they each had several cookies. Finally, Kara glanced at the clock. "I'd better get moving. Are you ready to head back upstairs, Faith?"

"If you want another cookie first, I'll show you the way," Hawke offered.

Faith looked at him with surprise, and their gazes caught. He wanted her to stay, she'd heard it in his voice and could see it in his eyes. Was he feeling this . . . weirdness . . . between them, too? Not weirdness. Attraction. Those dark eyes watched her in a way that set butterflies to flight in her stomach. And she knew this was a mistake. She could feel the electricity arcing in the air between them.

She needed to stop this, to leave with Kara and end it now. But staying a few more minutes, enjoying the decadent pleasure of a rare and harmless flirtation, was such a temptation.

Pamela Palmer's Books