Her Guardians - A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance(6)

When he regained his balance, it looked as though Gage was about to get into a fist fight with the guy. He held his hands up and widened his stance .

“Do you know this punk?” Gage asked not taking his eyes off of the guy .

I shook my head. I glanced at the door of my apartment building that seemed to be calling to me. It wasn’t that far… maybe I could run .

“No,” I said taking a step away from them .

The unknown guy stepped forward again keeping himself between Gage and me. “It doesn’t matter who I am, it matters who you are, and I don’t have a freaking clue as to who you might be .”

Why would it matter if this stranger knew Gage ?

Gage looked just as confused as I felt. “Are you drunk or something, man ?”

“No,” the stranger said cocking his head to the side as he turned back to me. He let out a small chuckle. “I’m her guardian .”

“Guardian, huh? Doesn’t seem like you’re very good at your job. She was being stalked, where were you?” Gage asked with a smirk. He curled his fingers into a tight fist. The veins in his hand made spiderweb lines as they popped out. “Guardian… pfft !”

“That’s right,” the stranger said straightening his spine as if it were a title he was quite proud of .

My shoulders slumped as I instantly realized what was going on. I didn’t know him, but I also had absolutely no doubt that Lorne had sent him to watch over me .

“If you guys could both just calm down, I’m sure we can figure this all out. Then I can go back inside and be done with all of this. It’s been quite a long day,” I said crossing my arms .

They both stared each other down for another moment before relaxing slightly and turning towards me. The way they looked at me was odd. It was as if they were waiting for my order on how to proceed .

“Oh for Pete’s sake,” I grumbled, wondering what my mom had told them. “OK,” I said pointing at Gage, “so this is my new friend Gage, but who are you exactly ?”

“I’m Roman. Lorne sent me,” he said bowing his head slightly. God dammit. I was right. I didn’t even want to know what she’d told him about me. Clearly part of it had something to do with not being able to take care of myself .

Roman held up his wrist and showed me the symbol on his wrist. It was a marking I’d seen before and had known quite well. The curly figure-eight like marking was just like the one on my wrist .

Gage looked at him and rolled his eyes .

“Well, it looks as though I’m home safe and sound, so you both can be on your merry way then,” I said with a barely noticeably curtsy. At least I hoped it was because there was no taking it back .

I waved awkwardly and took a step towards my building .

“Wait,” Roman said, putting his hand on Gage’s shoulder. “We haven’t seen his mark. I know everyone working for your mother, and I’ve never seen, what was your name again? Gabe ?”


“Before.” Roman crossed his arms .

I looked at Gage raising my eyebrow. Maybe he was just a regular. Maybe he was still unmarked. There were people out there that would help another person if they saw they were in trouble .

“Let’s see it,” Roman insisted .

Gage raised both wrists, but they were completely free of any markings. He smiled that sexy smirk of his when Roman huffed a heavy breath of air .

“I knew it! What are you? I can tell you aren’t completely regular,” Roman said turning his nose up slightly. “I can smell it on you .”

Gage ran his hand through his hair and almost looked as if he was annoyed. That he thought Roman’s questions were a waste of time .

“I used to work under Marcus Riddle, but I recently decided it was time to move on to something else,” Gage said. “I’d imagine that’s what your keen nose is picking up on .”

“Who do you work for now?” I asked keeping my voice calm. I probably wouldn’t recognize the name… if he gave one. I’d heard of Marcus, in fact, he was my uncle, but I hadn’t ever met him. I knew nothing about him which was probably one of the many things my mom wished I would have paid better attention to .

I didn’t know who was who, unlike her. She knew everything about everyone .

“Currently unattached, hence the lack of a mark,” Gage said raising his eyebrows. “Is this Lorne person you mentioned hiring ?”

I shook my head and then shrugged my shoulders. Who was I to stop him from getting work ?

Roman mumbled something to him, but I couldn’t make out what he’d said. It was something that made Gage grin, but his eyes weren’t smiling. Not even a little .

“You should probably get inside now,” Roman said only taking his eyes off of Gage for a second .

“Yeah, glad I could help you get back safe and sound,” Gage said. “Unlike your guardian that wasn’t even here to, what’s it called? Oh yeah, guard you .”

Roman’s shoulders raised up, and he brushed at his nose. He exhaled and shoved Gage back with both hands .

“Whoa, OK, we don’t need that,” I said, and Roman took a step back .

Roman drew in a deep breath before coming closer. He grabbed my hand and slipped a folded up piece of paper against my palm .

Piper Phoenix's Books