Gaslight (Crossbreed #4)(7)

Hooper shifted in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You don’t have to tell them that. It’s just a pipe dream.”

Christian tried to stay engaged, but his gaze wandered down to the napkin littering the floor. “What a coincidence, because Gem loves—”

I kicked him under the table.

“Grapes,” Hooper finished. “That’s her third glass of grape juice.”

Gem laughed brightly, and I knew what she must have found attractive in him. It certainly wasn’t his lip rings, but Hooper had a sense of humor, and sometimes that trumped everything else.

“Hooper knows I don’t drink alcohol,” she confessed. “That’s how we met. I was looking for something alcohol-free at that party, and Hooper fixed me up with the most delicious virgin drink. What was it called again?”

Hooper swept her hair behind her shoulder and cupped the back of her neck. “Love spell.”

With a sudden lurch, Christian bent out of sight and then rose to his feet. “I need to take a walk before I get a clot in my leg.”

When my antisocial Irishman sauntered off, I noticed the wadded-up napkin in his hand. Seeing his odd quirks made me smile.

As I got up to follow him, Gem suddenly hooked her arm in mine and tagged along. “What do you think of Hooper? He’s so charming and funny, don’t you think?”

We stopped just outside the doorway to the main room. “He seems like a nice guy, but I have shitty taste in men. Remember the good detective I went out with who turned out to be certifiably insane? You’re better off not asking my opinion.”

I’d graduated from dating a serial killer to a Vampire, so in comparison, Hooper was Captain America.

She pinched her chin, a serious look on her face. “I’m pretty sure Hooper’s not diabolical.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy, and that’s saying a lot. Especially after witnessing how excited you get building a snowman.”

She twisted her mouth to the side. “Until the boys decided to pour gasoline on him to see if they could set snow on fire.”

I decided not to tell Gem how that had been my idea. I liked Gem, but I also had a penchant for mischief and dares.

I searched the busy room for Christian but didn’t see him. “I’m going to wander around. I’ll join you guys in a little while.”

When I strode past a mirror, I stopped to check myself out. Wow. Did I really think I was going to tempt Christian in my baggy sweatshirt? Disastrous. I’d left my jacket at home so I wouldn’t have to lug it around, and I’d decided against sexy clothing since I didn’t want to appear desperate, like I was throwing myself at Christian’s feet. Our relationship was currently drifting into uncharted waters, and I wasn’t sure whether to put my sail up or down.

I elbowed past a cluster of women who were going on about the travesty of women’s fashion, while another group was discussing the political hierarchy of Sensors. A group of Chitahs parted like the Red Sea to let me through to the seated areas, which were easier to walk through since most people gathered near the oval bar to watch the bartenders put on a show. Maybe it was my mean strut or lack of skimpy attire, but no one paid me notice, and that was the way I liked it.

After circling to the other side, I concluded the only logical place Christian might be was in one of the private rooms in the back. Clubs usually segregated soundproof rooms in a private hall, and they were open to anyone. Using them for extended periods or for large parties sometimes came with a fee, but most Breed places offered them to give customers a reason to come. Sometimes people wanted to talk business without Vampires eavesdropping.

When I reached the hall, I swung right and headed for room number seven—the one where I’d caught him during a sexual rendezvous.

What the hell am I about to do?

I’d walked in on him once before, and seeing him with another woman didn’t do anything but pique my curiosity. We’d barely known each other at the time, and as far as I was concerned, he was just another Vamp on a power trip.

Now he was my Vamp.

This should be interesting, I thought, approaching the door.

What would my reaction be if I caught him screwing some other woman? Anger? Relief? Laughter? Was it just straight sex, or did he sometimes drink their blood? The disturbing part was I didn’t know which of those two would upset me more. It wasn’t that I wanted to catch him philandering about, because I most definitely did not. But that annoying little voice inside my head kept whispering to brace for the inevitable. How monogamous could a Vampire be? Especially when our relationship status was currently sexless. I didn’t want to rush it as some desperate attempt to hold on to him. That wasn’t what we had agreed to.

I decided against knocking and turned the knob.

“I thought you’d never come,” he purred. “Close the door, Precious.”

Niko sat stiffly in his chair, remaining polite for Gem’s sake. It wasn’t her attentiveness for Hooper that bothered him but the small inflections in her light that were out of character. Energy was unique to each person and reflected hidden emotions. Hooper was gregarious and got along with everyone, but something felt amiss. Niko had difficulty reading his light since he didn’t know him very well.

Gem sparkled like few people did. And though she was far from being a child in their world, her blind trust would always place her in harm’s way. He didn’t know much about her past, only that she was different from other immortals her age.

Dannika Dark's Books