Ryder (Resisting Love #2.5)(14)

“Then why do you come here?” I ask curiously.

Kade pins me with his pale blue eyes. “This is my spot,” is all he says.

“You’re weird,” Tee says randomly.

“How about we make a bet?” he asks, his eyes twinkling.

Tee instantly stands up. “We’re in!”

Kade pulls out his phone from his pocket, “I’m gonna call James, he’s gonna love this,” he says, punching the numbers on the touch screen.


Chapter 8


We jump out of the cab, giggling like little school girls. I stumble into Tee, who in turn falls over onto the floor. For some reason, that sets me off laughing even more. We ended up losing the bet, and we had to drink four shots each. You could say we're both a little drunk.

We met Kade’s baby brother, James, who is so different from Kade, but just as much of a pain in the ass. Kade and James put us both in a cab, and Kade said he would get our car dropped off at Ryder’s house. Kade is a serious trouble maker, I’m pretty sure he hustled us. He and James were laughing so hard, I had no idea what was so damn hilarious.

I help Tee up, and we lean on each other for support. We spend about five seconds looking through her handbag for the house key when the door is pulled open. Ryder.

“You made it home safely, I see,” he says, moving aside to let us both in. He looks so sexy, wearing nothing but a pair of black track pants. They're sitting dangerously low on his hips, below the sexy indentation of his masculine Vs. I swallow hard. My eyes stray to his nipple ring, which is so damn sexy I want to lick it and play with it with my tongue.

“Can you stop eye f*cking him in front of me?” Tee laughs. I start giggling again. Ryder shakes his head at our antics.

“I knew you two were coming home drunk so I prepared myself,” he says with a smile, walking us over to the couch. He hands us both bottles of water and puts food on the table; sandwiches. I suddenly find myself ravenous and start digging in.

“You knew we were coming?” I ask before taking a bite of the chicken salad sandwich.

“Yeah, Kade sent me a message,” he says with a frown. “What the hell were you two doing at that bar anyway?”

“Well,” I start, “we found an apartment! It’s perfect! I’m going to miss this view though,” I say, staring at his chest once again. Ryder frowns at our announcement, not looking happy for us at all.

“I’m off to bed!” Tee announces merrily, walking a few steps before tripping over her shoes which she had just dumped on the floor. Ryder sighs heavily, walking up to Tee and picking her up. He takes her to her room and walks out seconds later.

“She usually has a high alcohol tolerance, so you guys must have really gone wild,” he says, shaking his head.

“Oh yeah. We lost a bet, but Tee had an extra few drinks. For fun,” I say with a snort.

“Oh I bet she did,” he says, rubbing his palm across the stubble on his chin. He looks even sexier with that scruffy stubble. I tell him so.

“Well perhaps I should keep it, then,” he suggests. I nod, my eyes wide.

“So, do I need to carry you to bed, too?”

“Oh, I sure hope so,” I say, putting down my now empty plate. Ryder just gives me a devastating smile as he clears up the plates and cups from the table. After he rinses and puts everything in the dishwasher, he lifts me up in his arms and heads to the guest room.

“Can I sleep in your bed?” I ask whilst nuzzling his neck. Ryder stills for a moment before turning to his room. This is the first time I’m inside his room, but I’m still tipsy and can’t think of anything else besides Ryder and bed. Ryder lays me down on his thick black bedcovers and I sink in with a sigh of contentment. He carefully removes my shoes, then leaves the room and comes back in with something in his hands. A makeup wipe from the bathroom. He really is adorable. He starts to wipe my makeup off for me, but I put him out of his misery by taking it from him and wiping it off myself. I jump up, slightly wobbly, and pull off my shorts, my shirt, and my bra. I glance over at Ryder to see his eyes dark, the darkest I have ever seen them.

“Do you have a T-shirt I could wear?” I ask huskily. Ryder nods, but doesn’t move for a moment. He finally reaches into one of his drawers and pulls out a soft, worn gray T-shirt. I put it on and quickly head into his bathroom. I spot a new toothbrush and open it, and then brush my teeth. I walk back into the room and give Ryder a giddy smile. He’s laying on his bed, arms crossed behind his head, his eyes on me. He scoots upwards and his body tenses and flexes with the motion. He's so damn sexy. His tattoos are pieces of art, and they give him a dangerous edge. My eyes stray to his nipple ring once again and my breath hitches. I climb into bed with him, slipping under the sheets. When I lean over and give him a hungry kiss, he pulls away just when things are about to get serious.

“Not tonight, Lexi,” he says.

“Wait, what?”

“Not tonight, you’ve been drinking. Just sleep now,” he soothes, pulling me close to him and rubbing his hand up and down my spine. I huff, but a few seconds later, I pass out.


I wake up with a headache and groan out loud. I haven’t had a hangover in such a long time, and I sure as hell didn’t miss them. I hear a chuckle and glance over to see Ryder, his eyes peering lazily at me through his thick black lashes.

Chantal Fernando's Books