Rough Rider (Hot Cowboy Nights, #2)(16)

“Oh yes she would,” Wade said. “Given it was her idea.”

“Shit!” Dirk groaned.

“Oh yeah. You’ve f*cked it up real good tonight, big brother. If you broke her heart there’s a whole lotta guys willing to help her put it back together… And I don’t mind sayin’ I’ll be first in line.”


Janice glanced twice over her shoulder as she darted toward the exit, but to her relief Grady hadn’t followed. She’d watched the interplay between Dirk and Grady in the last few minutes with growing tension. She suspected there would be a fight before the night was over and knew she’d made the right decision to cut out. Cowboys, especially the rough stock variety, always exuded an excess of testosterone and frequently needed to blow off steam—especially after an event. She’d heard enough to know that rough sex and bar fights were the preferred means.

She’d never understand how guys could beat the shit out of one another one minute and then share a beer in the next, slate wiped clean—usually with blood. Sometimes she envied a man’s freedom to live for the moment and act out physical impulses without thought of repercussions.

Maybe the male way was better.

Women were vindictive, often carrying grudges for years without achieving any kind of resolution. She wondered what life would be like without overthinking every little detail—less complicated for sure—which brought back the whole scene in the ladies’ room. She wondered what had actually transpired between Dirk and Rachel, who seemed to be the rodeo world’s most perfect couple. They hadn’t spoken to each other from the time she and Grady had arrived and seemed to be purposely avoiding one another, except for the exchange of baleful looks. On top of that, Rachel had been flirting outrageously with Dirk’s brother, Wade.

Janice shook her head. What a stupid move that was. Wade might be taller and maybe even better looking in the conventional sense, but he wasn’t Dirk. Janice didn’t know a guy around who could hold a candle to Dirk—at least not in her estimation. He just seemed to personify everything a man should be—strong, honest, loyal. Dirk had integrity. He didn’t cheat. He’d never stepped out on Rachel, to her knowledge, and Janice was in a position to hear. Cowboys weren’t above gossip—especially concerning who’s banging who.

Rachel’s revelation that they hadn’t slept together had come as a shock, but now only reinforced Dirk’s strength of character in Janice’s eyes. How many other guys would have waited all this time?

If only… She sighed.

Dirk and Rachel might be “off” at the moment, but they’d be back “on” again soon enough. They’d probably announce their engagement within the month. Maybe that would be better anyway. If they were engaged, if he took that definitive step, she could maybe give up this ridiculous hope.

Hope of what? Get real, Janice. Do you think he’s gonna suddenly fall at your feet and beg you to bear his children? She gave a derisive snort. Not likely!

She thought about Grady with a grimace. He was the kind of guy she’d probably end up with—a swearing, swaggering, smoking, drinking, cheater—a man just like her own father, or at least like he used to be before he gave up bull riding. Her mother had simply accepted the drinking and whoring as part and parcel of the cowboy package.

It wasn’t what Janice wanted, but what other kind of man was she ever going to be exposed to? Her life outside of home was spent with livestock and cowboys.

Still contemplating her dissatisfaction with her lot in life, Janice returned to the Events Center. After changing into sleep shorts and a cami, she crawled up into the gooseneck of her trailer. It had only the most rudimentary living quarters, and she hated sleeping in it while on the road, but she hadn’t thought to book a motel room until it was too late to get one. With the rodeo finals there were none available in Casper. She figured she might as well get used to it anyway, as she’d be camped out at a different venue every week for the rest of the summer. The trailer saved her money. Every penny she didn’t spend was more money in her pocket—money she’d need if she ever wanted to go anywhere or do anything with her life.

Problem was, she didn’t have a clue what she wanted—besides a certain cowboy who seemed as far out of her reach as the moon.

Chapter 4

Janice awoke to the flash of lightning, pelting rain, and a trailer-shaking rumble of thunder. It was storming fiercely. She rolled over and pulled the covers over her head with a groan, but couldn’t muffle the noise. Following the next window-rattling clap, she thought she heard someone calling her name.

Confused and alarmed, she sat up, rubbing her bleary eyes and holding her breath.

There it was again—a thump and a voice coming from the other side of the door. “Janice? You awake?”

“Shit!” She slid down from the gooseneck, almost missing the step in her haste. What had happened? A wreck with the livestock? Bad news at home?

With her mind racing, she flipped on the light and flung open the door.

Clothes plastered to his body and water pouring down from the brim of his hat, Dirk stood shivering in the narrow doorway.

“Dirk?” She gasped. “What are you doing here?” She looked at her watch. It was almost one a.m. “What’s happened?”

He gave a dry laugh. “You might say ‘shit happened.’”

Victoria Vane's Books