Renegade (The Elysium Chronicles #1)(11)

I decide to let the antiseptic on his back do its job while I work on his arm. It’s more important to fix that first, and then worry about the strange wounds. I relax when I see it’s only out of joint.

I look into Gavin’s eye and can tell from the way it can’t quite focus on me that the poppy seeds are doing their job. Thank heavens for small blessings. “Your arm is out of joint. I’m going to pop it back in, but it’s going to hurt. A lot. I want you to try not to scream. I’m not sure if the Guards will hear it, but it is better if they don’t. Okay?”

He nods and grits his teeth. Bracing myself, I tug as hard as I can and feel a pop as it slides back into place. He gives a whimper, but doesn’t scream, though sweat pops out on his forehead and he slumps a little.

“All right?” I ask. He nods, but his pupil is wider than it was before. I wonder if I should be worried about blood loss. Not to mention shock from the pain and the infection I’m sure is in his blood. “I need more supplies. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Brushing the dirt from my skirt, I stand and then wrinkle my nose. I’m in a state, aren’t I? A lady must not be seen as anything other than perfect. This is unacceptable.

“You never answered my question.”

I’m startled by his voice, and turn to look back down at him. He’s staring up at me again.

For some reason I’m embarrassed of my answer, like he would look down on me for it. I don’t know why—it’s our most prestigious designation. A privilege. An honor. “I am being trained to be the Daughter of the People.”

“What’s that?”

“One question. One answer.”

He smiles grimly. “I had a feeling you were sharp.” He pauses. “What do you want to know?” He throws my question back at me, and for some reason, I’m enjoying the banter.

“Why are you really here? The emergency escapes are almost impossible to find and it’s more than two days’ walk from here to the Surface.” Or so Mother tells me.

“Sharp,” Gavin mutters. He narrows his eyes and then shrugs as if it doesn’t really matter. “I’m here trying to see if this is where my people are.” He smiles when I open my mouth to ask another question. “My turn. What’s the Daughter of the People?”

I stare over his shoulder. I don’t want to answer, but I feel that if I don’t, any of the tentative trust he has for me will disappear, and I have a feeling I’ll need it. I’ll need him. I just don’t know for what yet.

“I’m being groomed to rule the city after Mother can no longer do so.” I look down at the ground. “To protect my Citizens from Surface Dwellers. At any cost.”

Not looking at him, I wait for the Guards to release me from the room. I pause as I exit, looking straight ahead to the hallway. “I need more supplies for your back. I will return shortly.”


When I return from gathering the herbs, he is in the exact same position as he was when I left, only asleep. The Guards let me in and the door closes softly behind me. I make my way over to him.

So I don’t disturb him, I try to be as quiet as possible. I’m a little disappointed we won’t talk, but there is no need for him to wake; he’ll be in considerably less pain if he stays asleep.

A chill down my spine and a movement out of the corner of my eye alerts me to the fact that there is another person on the other side of the glass. When I turn around, I find myself being studied by an Enforcer.

A shudder rips through my body before I can stop it as the young girl meets my eyes. The Guards stand at attention next to her, but they shift their weight from side to side as she talks to them, never once taking her eyes off me.

I force myself to turn around and do what I came to do, but I have to close my eyes and take deep breaths.

I’m doing nothing wrong. I’m doing nothing wrong. I’m doing nothing wrong.

When I open my eyes, it surprises me to see Gavin watching me.

He doesn’t seem bothered by the revelation I expressed before I left. Only mild curiosity shows in the tilt of his head and slant of his eyes before he too notices the Enforcer beyond the glass.

“Why is that little girl looking at me like that?” he asks, his gaze moving back to mine.

I debate on whether or not to tell him the truth, but he’ll find out anyway, and it’s best he be prepared.

“She is an Enforcer. A…” I pause as I try to recall the Surface term Mother taught me. “A police officer? She makes sure people follow the law.”

“Earlier you said that you would protect your Citizens from Surface Dwellers at any cost. Are these Enforcers part of this … protection?”

I nod, refusing to meet his eyes.

“And what exactly does ‘at any cost’ mean?” I don’t answer, but he apparently doesn’t need one. “What happened to my friend, that’s what you mean, isn’t it? And my other people? The ones that disappeared after going into the woods. We saw their stuff in the cave. They’re dead too, then. That’s why they haven’t come back.” He looks at the Enforcer, who is still watching him. “She’s an assassin!”

“Enforcer,” I correct. “And you are the only Surface Dweller I’ve ever seen.”

“But she kills people on your orders.”

J.A. Souders's Books