One Good Reason (Boston Love #3)(15)

Now, I’m happy to report he’s rotting in jail.

Plus, watching the Louboutin-wearing princess die at the hands of ugly thugs without lifting a finger to intervene isn’t something that sits well on one’s conscience — even a morally-hazy conscience like mine.

I may live in the gray area, but I’m not fond of watching innocents die.

And Phoebe is innocent. Annoying, but innocent — the girl talks a mile-a-minute, wears exclusively designer labels, and has never, not for a single moment in her privileged life, known what it feels like to go without food or heat or a safe place to lay her head.

We never spoke again, after that night. She doesn’t even know my name — she never will.

Still, against my better judgment, I sort of… liked her, when we met.

Her brother is another story.

With their father facing prison-time for his collusion with MacDonough, Parker moved to the city a few months back and took over WestTech as interim CEO. I’m not sure what exactly makes a party-loving playboy qualified to run a Fortune 500 company, but no one asked my opinion on the matter.

My eyes narrow as his gorgeous face flashes in my mind. I still can’t believe the jerk stole my flash drive. But, more so, I really can’t believe he kissed me. I mean… the nerve of it all.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Only the most attractive man you’ve ever been pressed against, full-frontal...

I ignore the squirmy feeling in my stomach and focus on my anger. That’s the only emotion I’m equipped to process, at the moment.

Cracking my knuckles, I turn my attention back to my computer screen and dive in.

* * *

By midnight, I’ve scoured the internet for all traces of Parker West… and, frustratingly, come up rather short. I sit back in my computer chair and exhale a heavy sigh. Besides the slew of Instagram pictures of him posing with half-naked Victoria’s Secret models, there’s really not a lot to go on. No criminal history, with the exception of a few teenage disorderly conduct charges his father’s lawyers buried before they ever made it onto his permanent record. No marriage licenses; not even a trace of any long-term relationships, if his Facebook profile is anything to go by. No property listed in his name. In fact, I couldn’t even find an address for him listed in the Registry of Deeds, which means he’s either crashing with friends, staying with his sister, or booked at a hotel.

Or, more likely, he’s shacking up with one of his many bimbos on the Eastern Seaboard.

Disquieted by the ridiculous thread of jealousy in my thoughts, I rise and head for the kitchen. I have to hop up onto the counter to reach the top cabinet where I keep my stash of candy — an intentional hurdle, since I figure if I have to climb to get my fix, there’s a chance I’ll eat less of it.

Fat chance. Emphasis on fat, because one of these days my metabolism is going to slow down and I’ll actually have to work out to burn off the zillion calories contained in Reese’s peanut butter cups.

…An eventuality I plan to ignore until the moment it happens.

I pop the chocolate into my mouth and let it melt on my tongue as my mind spins in indecisive circles. Since I can’t track down where Parker’s staying, I have no choice but to confront him somewhere I know he’ll show up.

The WestTech offices.

I feel my lips tug up at one side as the beginnings of a plan take shape in my mind.

He told me this thing between us wasn’t over — he was right.

It’s just begun.

* * *

“Did you get the intel on Lancaster’s finances?”

I squirm against the hard plastic subway seat and adjust my grip on the phone. “Yes. No. Kind of.”

“What the hell does that mean, babe?” Luca sounds impatient. “You either got the intel or you didn’t.”

“I got it,” I murmur, wincing. “And then… I kind of… lost it.”

Silence blasts over the line. “Care to explain?”

“Listen, Luke, it’s complicated.”

“Uncomplicate it for me.”

“I have the files on a flash drive.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem?”

“The flash drive may or may not be… misplaced at the moment.” I wince again. “But I’m going to get it back. In fact, I’m on my way to get it back at this precise moment.”

More silence.

“Don’t freeze me out,” I snap, making sure my voice is too low for the other passengers to overhear. “You should be thanking me for going on this crazy mission of yours at all. I almost got caught. Some…” I pause, searching for the right word to describe Parker. “…some stranger had to save my ass.”

“Uh huh. Would this stranger have anything to do with your missing intel?”

My jaw clenches. He knows me too well.

“Guess the silent treatment is okay as long as you’re the one using it, huh, babe?” he teases.

“Shut up.”

“For real… you okay?” he asks, voice suddenly serious. “Don’t like hearing you were almost caught. I shouldn’t have asked you to put yourself at risk. I should’ve been there to help you.”

“I’m fine.” I sigh. “Parker — the guy who helped me — was there. He covered for me. I don’t know why, but he did.”

Julie Johnson's Books