Magic Undying (Dragon's Gift: The Seeker #1)(16)

I eyed him suspiciously as I took it, confusion ricocheting through me.

“How about my sword?” I glanced down at the blade.

“Not yet.”

I frowned, but couldn’t help but like his gesture of goodwill. “Hmmm. Well, I’ve got to go get a read on your demon. So if you’ll excuse me….” I arched a brow.

He stepped back.

I turned and opened the door, then let him inside.

My skin prickled uncomfortably. Having a stranger in my house was weird. And dangerous.

Though I rented the whole floor, only a tiny front portion was my apartment. The rest was my trove, hidden behind a wall cloaked with enchantments. Like all FireSouls, I had a place where I stashed my treasures. We just couldn’t escape our dragon nature.

I couldn’t let him anywhere near that space. Fortunately, it was hidden and protected. I had to keep reminding myself of that as I let him into my little apartment. It was done all in jewel tones. My clothes and hair might be black as an Ubilaz demon’s soul, but my home was a technicolor paradise.

“You can sit on the couch.” I pointed to the bright red couch. “I’ll take a shower.”

“I’ll check the bathroom first. Just to make sure there are no windows for you to crawl out of.”

“There aren’t.”

I stalked to the tiny bathroom and let him look in.

“See?” I gestured. “No windows.”

He leaned in, then nodded. “Fine.”

I sighed. “Now sit on the couch. Don’t go in my bedroom.”

He inclined his head, then moved to the couch.

I went into the bathroom and slammed the door, then slumped against it, leaning my head back against the wood.

Okay, I’d gotten myself into a mess with this one. No two ways about it. Not only was I in trouble with the Underworld and had only a week until I turned into a demon, but Roarke made my brain go foggy. A half demon.


So now I just had to find this Ubilaz demon, keep my secret, and convince the most powerful Supernatural I’d ever met to give me everything I wanted. All while trying not to drool on him.

Easy peasy.

What I wanted was a long shower, a mug of boxed wine, and a nap. But I wasn’t going to get that.

Instead, I turned on the shower, then touched the golden comms charm and ignited its magic.

“Cass? Nix?” I whispered.

“Del!” Cass’s voice cried.


“Everything all right?” Nix asked quietly, worry in her tone.

“Yep. Tall, dark, and deathly hasn’t tried to drag me off yet. I’m in my place. But can we meet at Nix's in five minutes? Ask Aidan and maybe Dr. Garriso for any dirt they’ve got on the Warden. His real name is Roarke.”

“Sure. Aidan just got back. I’ll ask him and meet you there,” Cass said.

“I’ll call Dr. Garriso,” Nix added.

Dr. Garriso was our friend, a historian who worked at the local Museum of Magical History. He knew just about everything, and I hoped he’d know about this.

“And can you bring me a sword, Cass?” Her trove was full of weapons. “Something that might fit in my scabbard. I don’t know if the Warden will give mine back.”


“Thanks, guys.” My friends were the best.

“No problem. See you soon,” Cass said.

“Will do.” I broke the connection with the comms charm and yanked off my clothes, sadly tossing my old lucky shirt on the ground.

I glanced down at my chest to see if there was a scar from the sword wound that had killed me and grimaced at the sight.

About two inches long and raised, it wasn’t exactly pretty.

Ah well, at least I was alive.

How? No idea. I’d figure that out after dealing with the demon.

I jumped in the shower, scrubbed myself off in record time, and hopped out three minutes later. I left the water running while I grabbed the robe off the back of the bathroom door and put it on, then called upon my Phantom magic, doing my best to keep my magical signature contained. This plan would only work if I was quick, and if Roarke thought I was still in the shower.

Once I’d completed my transition to Phantom, I climbed up on the tiny vanity that held the sink. The mirror reflected my bright blue glow, and I looked eerie as hell. With minimal effort, I reached up through the floor and pulled myself up into Nix’s bathroom above. One of the great perks of being a Phantom half blood was the ability to walk through walls but still interact with the physical world on my terms, unlike ghosts, who just passed through things.

I let myself return to human form and hurried out into the living room to find Nix, Cass, and Aidan sitting in the living room. He was a massively tall, dark-haired Scot who also happened to be the most powerful Shifter in the world.

Though he was handsome, he wasn’t my type. Maybe because he lacked the dark fallen angel air that Roarke possessed. And he was Cass’s.

“Hi, guys,” I said.

“That was quick,” Nix said.

“Yeah. Not sure I got all the shampoo out of my hair, but whatever. I only have ten minutes, max.”

Aidan stood to hug me, then pulled back. “Can’t tell you how glad I am to see you alive and well.”

“And we’re going to keep it that way,” Cass said.

Linsey Hall's Books