Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2)(16)

At the very end of the closet was where Ryan must have stored his casual clothing and shoes. I definitely wanted to see him in jeans and sneakers. Jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters were all folded and neatly placed in their own spots and his massive shoe collection was organized by casual to tennis shoes.

“This is a dream…” My voice echoing through the large room.

“For f*ck’s sake!” A female voice that I didn’t recognize boomed from outside the bedroom startling me from the fairytale dream I was having. I scurried from the closet and out of the bedroom. My eyes honed in on a blonde bombshell, looking like she just walked off the runway. She was the kind of woman that rivaled all those that I had admired in the magazines as a teenager.

She wore a black pencil skirt and white blouse, simple jewels and sky high heels. Her hair and makeup made the most simple outfit look stunning. Anxiety didn’t hit me full force until she looked up and our eyes collided. The angry heat in her stare told me she didn’t know I was here or who I was to Ryan.

“Who the hell are you?” I took a deep breath, her words lashing against my skin angrily. I was thinking the same thing she was but I'd like to know what she's doing here. Maybe she is Ryan's sister or something?

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Somehow I had found my voice and with it came a pair of balls to match. But then my mind starting coming up what ifs. Maybe she’s a business partner? Or an ex girlfriend?

Fuck me. I could feel my heart shattering as the words left her perfect pouty red lips, “His girlfriend of course!! Who the f*ck are you and why the f*ck are you in our apartment? Do I need to call security? ” The sting of her words didn’t hurt as much as realizing the man I was sleeping with actually had a girlfriend and that I was the other woman.

“I….” I stumbled over my words and my own feet, taking a few steps back in the direction of the bedroom door. I needed to find my clothes and handbag and get the hell out of here before the angry tears started to fall from my eyes, or worse yet, Security or Ryan showed up. The last thing I need is to be present for the awkward confrontation or hauled off in cuffs. I headed to the bedroom, she followed right behind me.

A huge smile formed on the blonde’s face, “Oh, I know who you are… Another one of his play things…or flavors of the day as I like to call them.” She nodded her head as if she knew something I didn’t. Apparently this wasn’t the first time she discovered another woman half naked in his apartment.

“This…” I grabbed my skirt off the bedroom floor, turned around and slipped off Ryan’s shirt like it was on fire, pulled on my skirt and zippered it and picked up my blouse. “It isn’t what you think.” I continued, buttoning up my blouse, not the least bit concerned with the fact that I didn’t have a bra on. I didn't see and I wasn't going to waste anymore time here. It’s not like I could make myself look any worse, the woman had already caught me practically naked, clearly aware that I slept with her boyfriend. I turned around to face her as I put on my heels.

All I wanted to do was get out of this place and away from Ryan’s girlfriend, away from the humiliation I was feeling. Not only was I the woman that slept with her boss but now I was also apparently the other woman.

“Please sweetheart, you’re not the first, and you definitely won’t be the last…” She huffed out examining her well manicured nails as if I was wasting her precious time. As much as I didn’t want to believe that this woman was dating the man that I had started to fall for, all the facts pointed towards the truth.

She had apparently let herself in, which meant she definitely had a key. Her image fit exactly to what Ryan needed in his life, someone who was more than ready for the paparazzi, or media interviews on the drop of a dime.

“I’m sorry.” I wasn’t even sure where the apology came from. Maybe it was because I felt bad for her for staying with him when she knew he was doing this to her. Then again why did I care, he hurt me too, he had strung me along, he had pursued me even when he knew I was uncomfortable and upset about sleeping with my him as my boss. He made me fall for him and now here I was being laughed at, made to look like an even bigger fool.

“Don’t be… He f*ck’s like a saint and I’m more than willing to share, once or twice.” The tears I had been holding back stung painfully behind my eyes. I needed to leave, to run, to get as far away from him and this entire situation as I possibly could.

“Sure.” I mumbled under my breath walking on wobbly legs towards the door. My hand rested on the cold metal of the handle. I gripped it angrily, wanting to give this woman a piece of my mind but knowing damn well that I shouldn’t, because honestly she wasn’t worth the breath or the effort it would take.

Instead I pushed the hostility down and opened the door walking out of the apartment with my head held high even if all I wanted to do was drown in my own tears, and slap myself for being so stupid.

“You uhhh…” The dumb bitches voice met my ears again, even as I was walking down the hall. I turned on my heels to see what it was she wanted. “You forgot these.” She flung the lacy pair of panties Ryan had ripped from my body last night with disgust.

I didn’t even care. I was past caring. He could have them, in fact they would be the only reminder he had of me aside from the memories we made last night.

J.L. Beck's Books