Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Summer Lake #2)(12)

She’d vowed not to keep running. But if ever there was a time and place to run, it was now.

Because with only the slightest brush of his fingers across her skin, Liam Kane had made her feel things no other man ever had.


What was wrong with him?

If Liam had been the least bit in control of any of his senses, he would have gotten the hell out of the kitchen the minute Christie walked in. But every second he spent with her had his brain working less and less on a rational plane. Which was crazy, because he was always rational. Hell, he’d used his analytical mind to make millions upon millions of dollars.

She looked soft, warm, sweet. But finding out just how smooth her skin actually was…

Sweet Lord, he couldn’t believe how close he’d been to kissing her. She’d just told him that she and Wesley didn’t love each other. That they were just friends. So there was no barrier there.

But there were others. Big ones, like the fact that he was certain she wasn’t telling him the full truth about Wesley’s disappearance.

Yes, she seemed like an open book. It looked like everything she felt was written on her face. In fact, when she’d been talking about wanting love, her wistful longing had almost gotten to him. To the heart he swore he didn’t have.

But he knew better than to be fooled by it. Not when painful experience had taught him that people held back as much as they could get away with.

Liam’s early years as a venture capitalist had been exciting, but over the past year or so he’d tired of the scene, of dealing with people who were in it only for the win. Just as he always had been. He’d come back to Summer Lake for his brother’s wedding and to prepare for his next career move, but now he realized he should have come back sooner.

His brother had needed him. And he hadn’t been there for Wesley. Liam wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Just as he wouldn’t make the mistake of letting Christie’s big eyes and sweet mouth turn him into the gullible idiot he’d sworn he’d never be for a woman.


Despite a late night reading through business proposals and contracts, Liam was up early. Not as early as Christie, however, who was on the phone at the registration desk. He found it hard to believe how fresh and bright she looked, considering how hard she’d obviously worked putting on Sarah and Calvin’s wedding, while also keeping the inn running without Wesley.

She hadn’t yet noticed him standing by the door as she said, “Mom, I’m fine.” There was a little frown between her eyebrows. “Please stop worrying about me. I’ve told you before, it’s not like I’m all alone out here. I have a lot of wonderful friends.” She gave a little shake of her head, her blond hair moving around her shoulders. “Please don’t come right now, and don’t let any of my sisters drive up either.” She lifted her eyes to the ceiling as if looking for divine intervention. “No, it’s not that I don’t want you to visit. Of course I do. But when you come, I want it to be for a vacation, so that you can relax on the lake. Summer will be a much better time for that. Besides, I have so much to do right now with the Tapping of the Maples Festival that I’m afraid I wouldn’t get enough time to spend with you.” Finally, her lips curved up slightly at the corners. “It’s going great. But I’m crazy busy trying to run the inn too.” Her smile fell away at whatever her mother said in response. “Wesley would be here to help me with everything if he could.”

It sounded like she meant it. At the same time, there was a slight thread of irritation, but whether it was at her mother or his brother—or both—he wasn’t sure.

“I know I made another bad decision,” she was saying into the phone, bristling a little as she defended herself, “but I’m staying this time.” Christie’s voice had risen, and she was pacing the small area behind the counter. “Even though things didn’t work out with Wesley, that doesn’t mean I have to pack up all my things and leave my friends and my job. I really love being an innkeeper. And I love Summer Lake.” Remorse—and heightened frustration—flashed across her mouth as she said, “Of course I love you all too! But I’ve made my decision. I’m staying.” Before her mother could say anything else, Christie said, “Give my love to everyone. I’ll call again soon.”

She’d been firm without becoming nasty. Yet again, she’d surprised him with her strength of will. She was a great deal tougher than anyone would ever guess, given how sweet and gentle she looked. It wasn’t just her angel’s face that gave that impression; it was the picture of those pink-painted toes he’d seen the night before that wouldn’t leave his brain.

The inn was clearly home to her. That was why she felt comfortable coming downstairs to the kitchen without shoes on. Whereas Liam hadn’t felt as though he had a home in a very long time. Although, in truth, the inn had a warmth about it now that managed to draw him in and make him want to stay, when for years he’d barely been able to come home without itching to get away again as soon as he could.

Just then, Mrs. Higgins, the inn’s head chef, stepped out of the kitchen and pulled him in for a hug. “Liam! Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? I heard you were back but didn’t get a chance to feast my eyes on you yesterday. Stand still and let me get a good look at you.” Mrs. Higgins grinned at him, her eyes twinkling. “I can see that you’re still the heartbreaker you always were.”

Bella Andre's Books