Brothers - Dexter's Pack - George (Book Five)(15)

“Dragon call…” she bit out – torn in two minds as to whether she gave a damn or not and went back to kissing her mate, or facing the face that the beast had made itself known to them.

George didn’t give a damn about the dragon. His beast wanted its mate. He wanted his mate – it was that plain and simple.

He’d made up his mind to leave. To face the dragon on his own terms and live or die as he might, but then he’d kissed her…

He shouldn’t have kissed her.

He’d pretty much known his own mind before he’d had her within his arms, and now that had all gone to crap.

He wanted her.

He wanted to live.

He wanted to live with her for the rest of his life.

He’d screwed up again. Done things wrong. Done things badly, and now they all might pay the price.




“We’re out of time…” Connor announced as he poked his head into the archive room; where the witches were feverishly scouring their ancestor’s history books in the shape and form of a very large collection of spells and legends…

“What makes you think we are deaf?” Vicky shot back, and got a few minor sniggers from the collective hive that was working around her.

“Oh I don’t know. Females. Humans. Witches…” Connor offered back, and his mate snorted her contempt for him.

She didn’t bother to look up…

“You’ll pay for that later…” she muttered.

“I know, can’t wait … spells? Tokens? Charms? Amulets? Any bloody thing that will kill the dragon dead on the spot?” Connor asked, eager not to have fight a dragon if he didn’t have to.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t a new and exciting challenge for him – it was. One part of him wanted to see how he would do against a mythical being that was supposed to be long since dead.

But then there was the part of him that really didn’t look forward to what happened if he didn’t succeed.

Death. A long time coming, but, too soon after finding his mate.

He’d kind of like to live with her for a thousand years or so first.

“Nope…” Vicky informed him, and he nodded solemnly.

“Man the battlements – got it,” Connor offered back. “If you could, maybe, and I’m just putting this out there for the poops and giggles of you witches, no pressure … find something to defeat the dragon and save the day, before it turns me into a crispy critter – I’d be delicious however cooked, of course, but … I’d be grateful – eternally so – and, as we all know, an eternity to a vampire is…”

“Connor…” Vicky’s head snapped up on her neck and her eyes locked on his.

“Yes…?” He looked calm, hopeful, and interested.

“We’ll let you know…” she offered back.

“Right,” Connor nodded. Then he turned to leave … “Thank you.” He offered back over his shoulder.

“And, Connor?” She called, and watched him turn to look back over his shoulder at her once more. “Don’t die, because I’ll use my magic to resurrect you and kill you – over, and over, and over again.”

“Right. Good. Don’t die. Got it,” he nodded, and then he took off on fast feet towards the roof.

It was the last place that he wanted to be – away from his mate.




Roloko flapped his wings and felt the grace of flight.

He may have been big and powerful, but when he was flying – he was streamlined – cutting through the air, catching the wind and letting it carry him on…

He’d missed that so damn much that he wished he didn’t have a destiny to fulfil, a true alpha to kill. He could stay in the air all night and soar with the clouds, rising up to meet the morning sun…

His beast was content.

It no longer felt like a wedge of concrete was lodged in his guts. Like something was missing…

But it was.

His beast. That was what was missing.

Ever present but always dormant.

He’d missed his dragon.

Roloko swooped down through the clouds and spotted the castle that perched on the far side of the mountain.

Smart vampire – hiding in plain sight from the villagers…

He felt the hard burn within his chest and forced his breath out – fire spewed – flames licked at the air.

He was ready.



“Connor…” Landon growled.

His eyes had caught sight of the vampire moving at lightning speed down the hallway…

“It’s here…” Connor pulled up short and turned to look back at the alphas gathered.

Normally having so many big, dominant beasts in one room was just plain asking for trouble, but with a dragon on the loose – they didn’t have much to lose…

“I can scent it…” Justice turned his nose up at the burning smell in the air, and to the best of his knowledge – the beast hadn’t lit anything up yet.

Dragon fire – he never thought it was actually real. Not in the age that they were in.

“The pups are in the tunnels below ground with their mothers. Protected by walls, betas, and magic – we’re ready to fight this damn thing.” Dexter growled.

M.L Briers's Books