Bossy (An Office Romance #1)(11)

She sheepishly finished walking into the office as if she was nervous about something. “You asked me to finish sorting the files for all the cases that you had done last year. There was a lot of misfiled paperwork so I went back and sorted it all out so that there won’t be any trouble in finding something you need for a case.”

I smiled, "Thank you so much, Dawn. What would I ever do without you?" I exhaled a breath and eased back into my leather office chair.

I was all out of sorts, and there was no coming back from Sadie Walker that was for sure.

“You seem tense? Is everything alright?" Concern laced Dawn's words. I tilted my head at her in confusion not because I didn't understand what it was she was asking, but because I didn't understand why she was asking?

I had been through far worse tense moments with her by my side and she never cared to ask then? So why now?

“Just lots of work and not enough hours to get it done.” If she thought I would tell her about Sadie and our agreement she had another thing coming. I had made a promise to Sadie that I wouldn’t break.

A short burst of laughter escaped her and before I knew it she was across the room, her ass against my desk, right where I had placed Sadie’s ass a few days ago.

"Boy do I know how that is…" She trailed off. Things were going in a direction that I didn't like and just as I was about to say something to her she placed her hand on mine. The gesture was intimate, too intimate.

“I think you need to leave Dawn.” My voice was stern as I stared her in the eyes. Fear reflected back at me and I didn’t understand why.

“I… I just wanted to help ease some tension.” Her bottom lip quivered and it looked as if she was going to cry. Immediately I felt like an *, but at the same time felt like I did the right thing.

"I won't f*ck you, Dawn. You're my assistant. It's not happening." I promised. I was irritated and that irritation only grew as I watched Dawn remove her ass from my desk and head in the direction of the door.

“I’m sorry sir, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She sniffled. Was it weird that I felt like a prick for not letting her f*ck me? At the end of the day she wasn’t the woman I wanted, and in no way shape or form would I betray Sadie like that. Still was it the fact I had screwed most of the other ladies in the office that made her assume I would f*ck her on my desk.

The second I heard the glass door shut, I walked over to the bookcase on the far side of the room where I hid my Bourbon. I twisted the cap off the bottle and brought the neck to my lips.

The sweet aroma filtered into my nostrils. Maybe I could drink Sadie out of my memory? I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep gulp from the bottle letting the Bourbon burn a path down my throat.

You love her.

The thought popped into my head a deep ache piercing me straight through the eye. I couldn’t love her. I couldn’t love someone that I didn’t know hardly anything about. Could I?

Could I really love Sadie Walker? Could I want more from her than a random hook up?

Could I want a life with her? I didn’t know, and all of this was just too much to be thinking about right now. I took the bottle with me back to my desk and slammed down into the chair, chugging the bottle like I was back in college doing a keg stand.

My fingers gripped the glass bottle tightly, as the thoughts of Sadie lingered in my mind. No amount of alcohol could remove a woman like her from my memory. There was no coming back from the deal we had made. I may have been the one to write up to the agreement but it was Sadie that had signed our fates as one.

I looked down at my IPhone sitting on the corner of my desk. I hadn’t texted Sadie or messaged her once but I knew I needed to tell her how I felt and I had felt this way for awhile doing whatever I could to hide it. I did whatever I could to avoid her because I knew if I didn’t we would be right where we were. I was merely avoiding the inevitable.

Grabbing my phone I skimmed through the contacts stopping once I found her number. I had taken the number down when I was going through applications months ago, never messaging or calling her until this moment.

Cameron: All I can think about is you.

I typed the message out and questioned sending it for a moment, then as my finger slipped over the send key I applied a small amount of pressure to the key and the message sent. I brought the bottle to my lips once again, a smile pulling at my lips. This woman had destroyed me.

She had done what countless other woman had tried to do and she wasn’t even aware that she had done it.

I was owned by her.

Chapter Seven

I love you. His lips skimmed mine, and then landed against my cheek. My insides melted into a pool of molten lava. The beat of my heart thumped loudly in my ears. I was feeling things for this man that I had never felt for anyone else in my entire life.

“What would you say if I told you I loved you?” Every hair on my body stood on end, excitement, and anxiety coursed through my veins.

“I’d say you’re f*cking crazy, but that I love you too.” I couldn’t believe the words had actually been said out loud, much less that they had come from me. The look of pleasure that appeared in Cameron’s eyes made me want to drop to my knees and take him into my mouth, to prove to him over and over again the type of love I felt for him even if I myself wasn’t aware of how deep those feelings ran.

J.L. Beck's Books