Alterant (Belador #2)(15)

For now.

Chills skittered along Evalle’s spine, but so did a hot streak of anger over the injustice of twisting her words to make her responsible. Without thought to ask for permission first to speak, she said, “So Tristan commits a crime and doesn’t even have to answer for it, but I do?”

Don’t push this, Evalle. You’re not helping your case if you annoy them.

I have to push this, Brina. Humans are dying and I have a bad feeling that something is happening for so many Alterants to shift at one time. We need to know why, and I’m the best one to put in the field to find out. But I can’t get that information or help anyone stop these attacks if the Tribunal is going to drag me in here every time there’s an attack.

Ares’ booming voice shook the ground. “Insolence is not tolerated here, especially from a beast.”

I got your beast in my boot. Evalle kept her hands at her sides, when she wanted to shake her fist at the god. “I didn’t change and kill a human. And I didn’t release the three captured Alterants. And I have nothing to do with the ones who are shifting and killing now. Why am I being held responsible for the actions of others?”

Brina started, “My apology for her disrespect—”

Pele lifted her hand in a signal the floor was clearly hers. She silenced Ares with a severe glance, then addressed Evalle. “A fair question. Alterants are an unknown element in our world and not a recognized race. Until someone can determine their origin or they are accepted into a pantheon, their status will not change.”

Evalle deserved credit for not rolling her eyes. What deity was going to invite Alterants into a pantheon where the god or goddess ruling it would be responsible for powerful beings that might shift involuntarily into beasts and kill everything in sight?

Ignoring Loki’s drawn-out sigh, Pele continued, “When other Alterants have shifted and killed, they were captured or destroyed. You are the only Alterant we have allowed to remain with the Beladors rather than cage you as an undomesticated beast.”

Anger clawed up Evalle’s spine at being compared to a rabid animal.

Without pausing, Pele said, “You were permitted a great deal of freedom for the past five years because you were the only female Alterant identified until this new one was discovered. Her pregnancy raises the possibility that male Alterants are seeking females for breeding. That alone is reason enough to require placing you in a secure location.”

Schooling her face to neutral took some effort once Evalle caught Pele’s point that she would now be a magnet for rutting male Alterants. She’d happily offer to neuter those Alterants, but Pele wasn’t finished.

“Are you being held accountable for the actions of others? Perhaps. Associating with an escaped Alterant this week and indicating you would like all Alterants to be free lays the responsibility of the three escapees and the more recent Alterant shifting at your feet.”

That pretty much killed any chance Evalle saw for walking away from this free.

She spoke to Brina. I live with the proverbial axe swinging over my head every day because, fool that I am, I protect humans when my life counts for nothing.

Not true! Brina shouted in Evalle’s head, this time with a thicker Irish brogue. You are Belador and we will find a way to take this mantle of burden from your shoulders.

Evalle maintained her blank expression when she answered, I appreciate your sincerity, but the only way to do that would be by defying this Tribunal. I would never put the entire Belador tribe in conflict with VIPER or a Tribunal decision, so I’m stuck answering for the crimes of others until I can figure out where Alterants came from . . . but know that if they try to lock me up I will not go quietly.

Brina spoke to the Tribunal. “I believe Evalle is not just safe to walk among humans but that they need her now. She is an asset both VIPER and the Beladors cannot afford to take out of active duty. Not with this new threat having surfaced.”

Evalle wanted to smile and give a shout with a fist pump for Brina, but keeping her mouth shut and showing no emotional reaction would better aid her warrior queen.

Ares stepped forward, his standard grim expression twisted with irritation. “An impassioned statement in favor of the Alterant to be sure, but if we allow this Alterant to remain free, will you pay the price of this Tribunal’s judgment if you are wrong?”

His blatant challenge struck Evalle with a cold fist. Ares dared Brina to put her neck on the line with Evalle, but the Belador warrior queen couldn’t make that commitment because—

“I will,” Brina confirmed.

Evalle shouted into Brina’s mind. No! You can’t risk the future of the Beladors on me.

Will you not uphold your vows?

Of course I will, but I’m, I’m—

What are you, Evalle?

A bad gamble.

No, you are a Belador who has sworn to protect your tribe, just as I have. I vowed to protect every Belador, too, which includes you. Even if this Tribunal will not recognize you as one of us, we do. I do.

Evalle swallowed hard at the gift of Brina’s faith, but that was even more reason to accept that she’d been cornered. She told Brina, I’ll . . . Evalle drew a breath, determined to get the words out. She could not put the most important person behind the future of the Beladors at risk. I’ll let them lock me up.

You. Will. Not. I will not allow it.

Evalle would never doubt Brina’s support again and she would not let her warrior queen down, starting with trying to convince the Tribunal not to place Brina in jeopardy.

Sherrilyn Kenyon & D's Books